Summer Real ID Premade Nights!


As summer rolls in, many people's schedules are freeing up to hop on their 19s to get some games in. While the games are popping as of lately, they tend to be one sided leaning towards a face-roll game for one faction. Because of these games happening so often, the lack of premading in the bracket, and the stacking of overpowered classes in games have caused some people to turn to different outlets, looking for a better solution to spend their time..THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE!!!

Summer Real ID Premade Night (Saturday)!

Well what is it?- Real ID Night will focus on getting competitive games going, sparking a positive life into a bracket that sorely needs the friendly competition! We will queue on Saturday nights rolling 2 games of 10v10s(2 horde teams and 2 alliance) as long as we have the numbers....Here's the catch!

Unlike premades in the past, THERE WILL BE NO MIDFIELD FIGHTING!

What No Mid Chop?!?-An Idea that has been tossed around for awhile in the bracket but hasn't yet been applied! Teams will run Offense and Defense, with no more than 7 on Offense or 5 on defense. This being said, teams are allowed to run 5v5, 6v4, and 7v3 (Offense to Defense)..Second Catch!

Teams are only allowed to run 1 of each class, with the exception of rolling double healer of their choice(double holy paladin not allowed)!

Wow, he might be on to something...- By putting this rule into play, teams can no longer stack hunters/mages/rogues for their offensive pain train. Instead, it opens up a variety of class combinations/specs to roll for your team setups! Let your imagination run free!

This sounds like a fun idea, how do i get involved?-These games will be run on Saturday nights going into the summer. Seeing that this is a large project gathering the community for these games, you might not always get to play every game. Teams will be rotated every week, so if you don't get in one week, you will have your shot at the next! As there are 40 spots available between Horde/Alliance, post all your characters(same faction) you can play on to better your chances into filling a spot!Ventrilo is a must!As this is a Community Project we want to make sure everyone is involved, and certain guilds characters are not stacked into the same team... This being said there may beno more than 3 players from one guild on any specific team.

Save the Date! First Real ID Night Will Be June 9th 10pm eastern!

How to sign up-.You may only sign up for on one faction per week! Horde mail me (Hunnybuns) the Date of the premade you wish to participate in (ex June 9th) your character name-class-spec (Hunnybuns-Mage-Arcane). Alliance contact DCM through Real ID ( to claim your spot. If you are interested in O/D leading also mention that in the mail. You may sign up on multiple characters as long as they are on faction that you sign up for. If you do not make it in a certain week, you will have first dibs on the next week!

Roster For Week of 6/30 (June 30th)

Team 1 Horde- Team Leader - HB
Offensive Leader-
Defensive Leader-
Team Composition-Rogue- MassPaladin- SalceWarrior- ShufflerushDruid- PotatofarmerShaman- Priest- Kinetic/TwiggiWarlock- Mage- HunnybunsHunter- Chupacabra

Team 2 Horde-Team Leader-Adeus
Offensive Leader-
Defensive Leader-
Team Composition-Rogue- Zeiren Paladin- Hithere Warrior- Druid- Shaman-MnkeyPriest- LaxWarlock- Mage- Hunter-

Team 1 Alliance-Team Leader- Brown
Offensive Leader-
Defensive Leader-

Team 2 Alliance- Team Leader- Tinkorbell (Blinka)
Offensive Leader-
Defensive Leader-

Backup Horde Leader-Saxx

Backup Alliance Leader-Rejen

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great idea, i remember when we used to premade you guys every weekend with no chopping

forced O/D is a lot more fun than 20 minute mid fights

sign me up, paladin/rogue/mage (A) any spec you can message me on TI or in game for real ID
awesome rules. it'll be nice to see locks and shamans getting attention

gl HB!

ps. poor hunters... pfft
Sign me up! You already have me on Real ID, so just let me know when you need me. I have rogue, mage and hunter on Horde, and a rogue on Alliance.
I love the no mid chop idea. :D I can play on alliance or horde priest.
I just need to clarify what time if its going to be on Sat. I usually do rbgs. I will be in touch with you hb soon. I can also make mumble available for voice chat if needed with 35 spots. Mumble has low latency for pvp style play and no more fiddling with people volume.
Wow so I told Hunnybuns this entire thing and he steals my idea...

jk :D

You know I'm up for it! I'll lead if I have to :cool:.

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