Search results

  1. Awze

    Warriors: PvP powr or Strength

    I'm leveling an Arms Warrior and I'd like to know if PvP power or Strength is better for Warriors?
  2. Awze

    Hey, Hows the bracket?

    I lol'd
  3. Awze

    70s doing 80 raids?

    My old post and people didn't believe it could happen... lawl.
  4. Awze

    Is there any good DK in mop?

    Btw, when you said critting oblits for 350+, you ment acutal 350 or 3500?
  5. Awze

    Is there any good DK in mop?

    Kind of made me sad you didn't post anything about your DK = / Watching other DKs play is kind of helpful, use their ways of playing with yours can help be a better player IMO. Nice vids doe.
  6. Awze

    Is there any good DK in mop?

    You mind informing me of some of your work? Just curious.
  7. Awze

    Is there any good DK in mop?

    Basicly every DK I see say they are either R1 or really good... I love it. xP
  8. Awze

    Is there any good DK in mop?

    I think I'm decent =(
  9. Awze

    Is there any good DK in mop?

    Anemoi @ Antonidas - Community - World of Warcraft My DK
  10. Awze

    DK arena spec

    I personally like Frost the best, only tried some arenas with a non geared DPS and did decent against most teams. Check my sig for my DKs link.
  11. Awze

    Javascript Error Notice

    I'm US and this has occurred with me.
  12. Awze

    What's the highest crit you've dealt or received at Level 70 with Shield Slam?

    I don't get hit that hard by warriors, even with my 58% Resil... I guess I got luck. Maybe 7k highest on me.
  13. Awze

    Any RBGs going on?

    Any RBGs going on by any chance? If so I'd like to be a part of a few of them. Fully geared FDK taht can also FC. Add my B-Tag if so. Anemoi#1820
  14. Awze

    DKs with Int and PvP power?

    So I've heard about from 2 sources that DKs with int and PvP power affect Death Siphon. Can someone fill me in on this?
  15. Awze

    5.3 massiv resi reduce

    This has positive and negative effects on this bracket. Negative: People will be getting one shot often. Positive: Healers will take some more skill, giving them about 60% or maybe even 55%.
  16. Awze

    Meat 3

    Excellent job Meat, I enjoy watching these videos, always interests me.
  17. Awze


    I am squishy, only 58% resil basicly. Death Siphons hit 2k normals 5k crits which is 6k heals normal and 12k crits. Obliterates are shit seeing the abilities that make it have more damage is now 74. So 900 normals and 2k-3k crits. @ Meat
  18. Awze


    I find myself decent. I'm also geared. Click Anemoi at the in my signature.
  19. Awze

    70's Armory Vault

    Please update Awze as Anemoi Anemoi @ Antonidas
  20. Awze

    Icebound is recruiting!

    Icebound is a brand new twink guild located on the server Antonidas that has active members, and will be starting raids and RBGs when we can gather up the people. We are currently level two and looking for 70s to help level and join the guild to have a good time. Any questions? Add my Battletag...