70s doing 80 raids?


So a group of 80 twinks 10 manned Dragon Soul. So why can't a group 70s 10 man ICC? A full group of 70s easily face roll through 70 raids in a full group. Its just not chalanging enough. Yes I can try it with less people but I want EVEN MORE of a chalange. So I recently found out that a group of 70s is able to get into ICC if they have an offline 80+ character in the group. I want to try to get a FULL GROUP down. Since Marrowgar in ICC's special attacks scale out with level, why not try him out? I'm looking for DEDICATED PLAYERS for this. Need people who won't leave after first boss. I will be a tank in this raid. I am located on the server Tichondrius and on the alliance side. My character name is Awze. Please come to that server if you think you are worthy enough. Ask anyone in Too Loose if Awze is online.
Because 80s have access to MoP items, which scale on an insane level. Tanks being avoidance capped and such. Decked out paladins and dk's can solo ICC (even heroics afaik). So yeah... no such thing at 70 x)

It's nothing to do with that. the difference in hit rating required for +8 (80s in 85 content) and +13 (70s in 80s content), is huge. The dps you'd drop trying to achieve it (95% hit for casters, around 50% hit + exp for melee) isn't possible.

As for decked out paladins and dks soloing stuff being not possible at 70....think again.

That ofc is ignoring the fact that 70s can only get into raids t9+, because those raids have an interface-togglable heroic mode.
Why would you immediately reference the hardest content in 70s content, for which the best gear for soloing drops from them? 80s have the edge, but don't say soloing stuff at 70 is impossible (I have gruul at 27% and Magtheridon at 54% atm).

Just face it, that argument falls through the ground. You're referencing failed attempts at lower tier bosses? Whilst 80s are wrecking LK HC?
I already said that 80s have the edge. They aren't wrecking 25HC bosses (not all of them at least, and certainly not LK25HC), and they have 100 ilevels more than the best tier of content. 70s barely (and I mean fucking BARELY) have more than a 159 ilevel. What does that say? 10man vs 25man is a HUGE difference.

I'll ignore the fact that wotlk had a fourth tier which added more ilevel (and stat scaling) than tbc has, in addition to reforging, mastery, more consumables and 600 professions to the mix. 70s in FULL str gear have ~50% parry. Tanks in full haste/stam gear have 70% even only using the 308 cata items.

Really, the argument that 70s could even manage in 80s content is laughable. Pre MoP 80s were only managing naxx bosses and a couple outside that, so I'm still not seeing it.
Is it even possible to enter?.
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