So a group of 80 twinks 10 manned Dragon Soul. So why can't a group 70s 10 man ICC? A full group of 70s easily face roll through 70 raids in a full group. Its just not chalanging enough. Yes I can try it with less people but I want EVEN MORE of a chalange. So I recently found out that a group of 70s is able to get into ICC if they have an offline 80+ character in the group. I want to try to get a FULL GROUP down. Since Marrowgar in ICC's special attacks scale out with level, why not try him out? I'm looking for DEDICATED PLAYERS for this. Need people who won't leave after first boss. I will be a tank in this raid. I am located on the server Tichondrius and on the alliance side. My character name is Awze. Please come to that server if you think you are worthy enough. Ask anyone in Too Loose if Awze is online.