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  1. Duo

    Un Justified Bann

    Thread Title :: <username> - (Permanent/Temporary Ban) Duo Thread Content :: 1) Why did you think you were banned?I'm being Trolled by a Butt hurt mod because I have greater influence on Swifty and he will never be seen as anything but a leech. He was spamming me in game and then since hes a...
  2. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    So Update Swifty has made a lvl 10-19 Reroll we wil be playing them today! WOOT! Twitch
  3. Duo

    best of

    thats all people wrote back when i joined this Site, stupid @ threads about who was the best of this and best of that. Best of Deez nutz. It doesnt matter everyone has different persepective and some people will always put themselves as the best of ever class even tho they don't even main it...
  4. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    I'm live WOOOOO!!! Twitch
  5. Duo

    best of

    Bringing back 2011?
  6. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    Alright Fuck it lets do it again! Who wants in Reqruiting now!
  7. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    uhh what? Thats a phrase used in the United States. People to be politically correct say African American instead of Saying Black. But that wasn't me being un trollable but more talking about how people think we are in the 1950s.
  8. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    New Update we Got some BURSTILITY Stacking live on Stream Resto Druids OP!
  9. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    I was in that video on my lvl 100 and it might be I didn't really ask him. He does multibox boomys tho, the guy that taught me that is.
  10. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    its a non copy right song I found on YouTube. I have absolutely no idea what it was called.
  11. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    Sorry I'm not African american but Its nice to know Ignorant people like you still exist. Hilarious someone with your intellect was even able to mutter the word Slavery in the 21st Century. Hey you might want to open up a history book, there's a reason there are no slaves. But at least you...
  12. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    Going live on Twitch might do some multiboxing today, or as I like to call it DuoBoxing
  13. Duo

    [US F2P] WSG 10v10 This Saturday 19 September 2015

    Huh you still need horde healer? I'll go resto for heals on horde resto Druid. Make that clear
  14. Duo

    Level 10 Twinks World PvE - Fel Reaver Project [WOD]

    I too want to see this.
  15. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    Thanks for the bump! Much appreciated!
  16. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    if that's what makes you feel better :D but being hosted by Swifty was a Gift from the heavens. Discredit that and might as well say Swifty has botted views?? I think not. But haters gotta hate. Thanks for the bump
  17. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    Well let me give everyone a little update last week the Legendary Swifty gave me a host for about 400 viewers and gave me a huge boost for about a week I had 100 plus viewers so I decided to try something new. I was multiboxing for the first time using each character individually and using auto...
  18. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    wow dude you made an account on here cool dude, Thanks for the feed back.
  19. Duo

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

    Just hit 2.6k Followers on Twitch! WOW Thanks to Twitch He hosted me on Twitch That was Awesome! Thanks for watching my video everyone 1500 views?? WOW Can't take credit its been all you guys!
  20. Duo

    US - Veteran / P2P 20 WSG Premade #2 - September 20th

    But no resto? So only 2 more per class