World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

Well let me give everyone a little update last week the Legendary Swifty gave me a host for about 400 viewers and gave me a huge boost for about a week I had 100 plus viewers so I decided to try something new. I was multiboxing for the first time using each character individually and using auto run to keep one running while I controlled the other. Just as it sounds it wasn't very simple. I was taught by a real multiboxer a new program free and I have all but mastered it in about 2-3 hrs of using it. It's funny I actually taught the multiboxer a few things. It's not difficult to think outside the box everyone. But I will be using it more now that I have it almost perfect. Thanks for tuning in everyone and all the views on the YouTube video. That bracket manager thing it's not that I don't want to help its that me helping wouldn't be fun cause making this game a job isn't what I want. I rather just kill stuff and play with my friends. Ultimately that's what 20-29s is to me as soon as people start trying to stick labels on things I just step away and keep walking because in the long run me being amazing at this game isn't necessarily gonna be something I put on a resume. My 391k kills isn't exactly gonna kill it on a resume. Have fun live life don't try so hard unless of course you just like advantages then pop those swift pots and glider kits.
Oh look they changed my name. Epic.
Sorry I'm not African american but Its nice to know Ignorant people like you still exist. Hilarious someone with your intellect was even able to mutter the word Slavery in the 21st Century. Hey you might want to open up a history book, there's a reason there are no slaves. But at least you aren't in Jail arn't you lucky, i bet you're a cop too? Politically correct? lol I hope you continue your rant and hatred towards the "African American" community. Even tho I am Hispanic.... haha Well guys Thanks for all the views we have 2.6k followers on Twitch now! THANK YOU.

1.7k views on my video! WOW Thanks
Lol that guy who taught you to multibox... Is it that balance druid multiboxer in swiftys wpvp vids?
Lol that guy who taught you to multibox... Is it that balance druid multiboxer in swiftys wpvp vids?
I was in that video on my lvl 100 and it might be I didn't really ask him. He does multibox boomys tho, the guy that taught me that is.

Bump for the untrollble Duo.
Question for you though. How can one be both African AND American? You are either one or the other...


Oh dear. Did nobody ever tell you of the birds and the bees?

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