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  1. Zirano

    Making my first 20

    I don't agree with that, I think you have far less options as a f2p. but we're all entitled to our own opinions I guess. :)
  2. Zirano

    Making my first 20

    I'm not rolling a vet to stomp levelers. I'm rolling it to play bg's on a low level without sitting 1 hour in que. I have no problems with playing only 29 vs 29 but I cba sitting in 1 hour ques for 15 minute games, sometime much shorter. And for me personally, half the fun of twinking is getting...
  3. Zirano

    Making my first 20

    I was really keen to play 2handed survival hunter, are they any good at all? Dx
  4. Zirano

    EU+US Making my first Veteran twink.

    Well lets say you make a feral for example then get the wep from murloc hunting (16 agi/13 stam) and then soothsaying's vest(chest) which is 8 agi/13 stam and 16 vers. That's a pretty massive edge to build your new twink around
  5. Zirano

    EU+US Making my first Veteran twink.

    Yeah as the person above me said, the probability of getting back to back epic would be 1/2500 if we base it on being 1/50 for an epic upgrade. I'd say proc epic staff and just do as many quests as possible to try to get at least some rare upgrades.
  6. Zirano

    Making my first 20

    Yo I've been playing in this bracket from cata to now and I've never really made a true lvl 20. But with all the recent news we've had the last few days I'm now considering making one and then canceling my sub. So I have a few questions, that I hope I can get some help with :) What classes are...
  7. Zirano

    Possible BiS mace?

    So I was going over items that I'd like for my druid. then I remembered the int mace from the gnomeregan rare. But that mace doesnt scale, it's static. So my question is, do you boys think it could upgrade to epic and go to 41 ilvl? Because if that's the case then that would be a farmable epic...
  8. Zirano

    PTR RNG yaaaahOOOO

    Yeah sure, it probably would've influenced the prices. but I'd love more than 1 day to test some of this stuff you know :P
  9. Zirano

    PTR RNG yaaaahOOOO

    Well even tho I'm not the happiest about the change I think It'll be fun following the updates from people and seeing what items people will be able to acquire. :)
  10. Zirano

    PTR RNG yaaaahOOOO

    Yeah I mentioned that earlier in the thread that I think epic in dungs would be kinda cool, because then you can target farm the items that you want instead of it being a one time deal where you have a 1/50 chanse.
  11. Zirano

    PTR RNG yaaaahOOOO

    I personally wouldent be suprised if bg crates, satchels or dung gear could upgrade to epic. It wouldent be the first time blizzard "forgot" to add something to the patch notes. :)
  12. Zirano

    PTR RNG yaaaahOOOO

    Tbh if dungeon gear could be upgraded to epic I wouldent be too mad. Because at least then it's something you can target farm instead of it being you having ONE chanse at the item.
  13. Zirano

    PTR RNG yaaaahOOOO

    Yeah but that's the part I don't like. I would partake in any grind for even the smallest upgrade. but here I have no chanse at all and some random that joined the bracket yesterday and will be gone in a week could get the epic upgrade.
  14. Zirano

    PTR RNG yaaaahOOOO

    Yeah I had about 13-15 rares before I got the epic one. I probably should've kept count but I was watching youtube videos at the same time. my bad homies
  15. Zirano

    PTR RNG yaaaahOOOO

    Well this is on the ptr but green quest items can go epic indeed. took me about 50-60 tries.
  16. Zirano

    PTR RNG yaaaahOOOO

    I'm also intrested in finding out if BoE's can upgrade, because that would actually be nuts
  17. Zirano

    PTR RNG yaaaahOOOO

    Well that's what I'm not sure about either, I feel like we're gonna need to do a lot of testing this patch. Because if we see purple quality shadowfangs and such pop up, then we're in for a ride :)
  18. Zirano

    PTR RNG yaaaahOOOO

    Well I don't know how it's going to work tbh. since at max level only items that drop as personal can upgrade so I'm still unsure about how it's going to work at low lvls
  19. Zirano

    PTR RNG yaaaahOOOO

    Work on your toon? how can I upgrade my twink where I've done pretty much every quest I can do? I have 0 chanse at epics. Fun game :(