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  1. Baumbart

    EU+US Archeology rewards at skill 100 I can't speak for its accuracy at skill 100 but back when I farmed archeology on a f2p DK the ones listed as skill 450 req were pretty much correct as I couldn't proc any of them. Pterrordax hatchling was out of reach too. Another thing to remember...
  2. Baumbart

    EU+US Archeology rewards at skill 100

    That's not true. Some rare finds only proc after reaching a certain skill threshold.
  3. Baumbart

    EU+US 7.1 - Enchants work; explained in-depth

    Just like they intentionally made the archeology spear max ilvl at level 1? Or intentionally made unsheathing your weapon crash the game? You don't think that any of the changes to pvp, like say... the change to honor and prestige leveling, could possibly affect pvp templates? This is obviously...
  4. Baumbart

    Patron of War

    It will show in achies after you relog.
  5. Baumbart

    And the new Dalaran daily reportedly has a chance to drop 4 cosmetic hats.

    And the new Dalaran daily reportedly has a chance to drop 4 cosmetic hats.
  6. Baumbart

    There's a new Grommash costume

    There's a new Grommash costume
  7. Baumbart

    EU+US Confused, but i might have fixed twinks

    So people should be forced to play with a higher latency because a handful of you can't be bothered to make wargames for their "competitive" games.
  8. Baumbart

    EU+US Spear of Rethu, Archeo Polearm FYI

    Uhh, I'm fairly sure that it scaled to level when I got it last week. I think they screwed something up last maintenance. [edit] Oh and they buffed its ilvl from 605 to 700, so I'm assuming that's where things went wrong.
  9. Baumbart

    Get your Boons now before this is Nerfed!

    Why would this be nerfed? People have been enchanting BoA shoulders and legs for years.
  10. Baumbart

    Legion gear sumup

    Grinded this shit on two characters ever since the warforged hotfix. Neither of them is full +10. One is missing +10 shoulders, the other is missing +10 shoulders, chest, belt and legs. Kept getting the same warforged slots over and over. Screw RNG loot systems on GFed gear.
  11. Baumbart

    Legion Invasions - to be continued?

    Well, on EU invasions just disappeared from the map. The one I'm in is still going but I guess that's it.
  12. Baumbart

    If Invasions aint treatin' you right

    I don't recall there being any other vendors other than the ones that sell replacement quest rewards. I think the only thing that's missing is the title you'd get after completing the quest chain.
  13. Baumbart

    If Invasions aint treatin' you right

    WoD prelaunch event is still playable.
  14. Baumbart

    Transmog level requirements.

    Using a 3rd party hack. I'm talking about what the game actually allows you to do.
  15. Baumbart

    Transmog level requirements.

    Pre-Outland quest rewards without a level requirement are available for transmog. Outland and up aren't available even if they have no level requirement.
  16. Baumbart


    The stat scaling for caster weapons is weird though. At 20 +5 weapons have the same amount of int as looms, +10 increases int by a lot. At 29 +5 weapons increase int by a lot compared to looms, while +10 have the same amount of int as +5. Outisde of instanced pvp ofc.
  17. Baumbart

    US I may quit playing my paladin

    Except you could fish whichever week you wanted and weren't pressed for time like now.
  18. Baumbart

    US I may quit playing my paladin

    I don't like this rng on top of rng in a time restricted event either. It's quickly become a chore and rather than excitement over getting an upgrade, there's just relief. Also it doesn't help that I seem to be getting disproportionately fewer useful warforgeds from Large Legion Chests forcing...
  19. Baumbart

    Bugged invasion gear

    Sounds like a generic robot answer.
  20. Baumbart

    Twink Transmogs accessible with legion

    I already have Can I Mog It but what I mean is that it's difficult to browse through all the items available to a low level character prior to actually getting the items. In your wardrobe, when you mouseover a learned appearance you get the message "Level XX required to use this appearance" for...