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  1. Yndigo

    Returned to wow

    I've never had much of a problem running that gearset.
  2. Yndigo

    Returned to wow

    BiS hunter:
  3. Yndigo

    WTS BvB

    can vouch for this guy, solid seller.
  4. Yndigo

    Mage @ 29

    why would rogues want deadman when you already got crippling? i mean making the argument that it can freeze a druid thats moonfiring you or a monk thats throwing barrels at you is just reaching.
  5. Yndigo

    Selling twink items

    Bought woodworking gloves from him, got them within a few hours with him transfering. 10/10 would recommend.
  6. Yndigo

    WTB woodworking gloves

    Title. PM me on here.
  7. Yndigo

    US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

    Yeah it is me. Not my bird's though, I'm the camera man for a magician/iillusionist, and he's the one who owns them.
  8. Yndigo

    US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

    they're doves, and sadly no. They're not mine, but i'm most likely going to get a pair myself cuz they randomly giggle and it creeps people out.
  9. Yndigo

    US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

  10. Yndigo

    [POLL] Best Race for a Warrior -ALLIANCE-

    did they fix the panda racial? I remember it used to miss/get dodged like 60% of the time in mop.
  11. Yndigo

    Possible new BIS setup for fury warrior? Or, what should I get?

    Crit is fairly important as fury, that being said it's not worth sacrifcing too much AP for it. somewhere between 20-25% crit should be more than enough.
  12. Yndigo

    [POLL] Best Race for a Warrior -ALLIANCE-

    Dwarf / night elf (atleast after they fix shadowmeld) are the best choices right now with the way warrior plays.
  13. Yndigo

    US State of the Bracket and re: 19 TC

    I get your point, but that's class variaty not class balance. If more classes/specs can one shot you it doesnt mean the class balance is better. Anywho, enough derailing. On Topic: I agree with feral being banned.
  14. Yndigo

    US State of the Bracket and re: 19 TC

    So with your logic more "broken" specs = balance?
  15. Yndigo

    US State of the Bracket and re: 19 TC

    Must be hard being you.
  16. Yndigo

    US State of the Bracket and re: 19 TC

    Class balance isnt better at 29, class variety however is somewhat better since there are more viable options or rather more viable specs.
  17. Yndigo

    29 arms warr

    dont see much point in stacking ap since warriors have so much raw dmg, stacking stamina and you'll probably do better in general.
  18. Yndigo

    BiS 29 Drood heal ?

    because rdruids thrive on haste. if you want to focus on big heals play resto shaman.
  19. Yndigo

    Quick 29 questions

    arms warriors are beyond broken, rets are okay, holy priest is okay in arena but not that great in bgs and disc is simply better at everything.
  20. Yndigo

    10-19 2015 TC Discussion, Planning, Indiegogo

    guardians and resto druids are excluded.