Search results

  1. Ctm

    EU Selling EPICS

    Update 4 x [The Pacifier] 1 x [Silvermoon Armor of the Aurora] 6haste/5vers 1 x [Petrified Shinbone]
  2. Ctm

    EU Selling EPICS

    4 x [The Pacifier] 1x [Boulder Pads] 1 x [Silvermoon Armor of the Aurora] 6haste/5vers 1 x [Petrified Shinbone] 1 x [Talon of Vultros] 1 x [Feathered Headdress] I am on Defias Brotherhood
  3. Ctm

    Official Epic Upgrade Bragging Thread (Warning: Jealousy/Salt)

    @necroaqua Gratz! I had luck with legs, got in like 20 kills, but all other epics were real struggle. And I doing all of them without realm hopping :/
  4. Ctm

    EU WTB Black Widow Band

    PM offer
  5. Ctm

    EU+US The Pacifier

    8 days camping 2 chars, over 100+ kills, still no epic pacifier
  6. Ctm

    EU LF someone to bug enchant shoulders/legs

    Hardly vets bug mate
  7. Ctm

    EU LF someone to bug enchant shoulders/legs

    As title says, if anyone could help please PM! Thanks! bump
  8. Ctm

    EU Selling BWB

    [Black Widow Band] 1 left
  9. Ctm

    EU Selling BWB

    [Black Widow Band] x 2 I am on Defias Brotherhood - Horde. PM offer if interested!
  10. Ctm

    US BIS Vet Retribution gear?

    Isn't there some internal cd, like 30 sec for crusader to proc when swapping weapons?
  11. Ctm

    US BIS Vet Retribution gear?

    I recently got back to vet and started playing ret. Before this had only f2p pala. It is really huge difference because crusader. And I agree it is really fun and strong spec that is underrepresented. Still farming The Pacifier to swap with Sin'dorei Warblade...
  12. Ctm

    EU WTS/WTT Epic Boulder Pads

    EU horde Defias Brotherhood I need epic Pacifier, or anything useful for my ret pala!
  13. Ctm

    EU+US BIS Gear for new vets

    OH, so you can enchant gear when sub is out? Thought you can't. Thanks mate
  14. Ctm

    EU+US BIS Gear for new vets

    So since new vet players can't farm bgs to get bis gear and enchant it before sub runs out, what are the alternatives?
  15. Ctm

    EU [TCG PRIZE] Rogue Dueling Tournament

    Beatbox - Defias Brotherhood - Horde
  16. Ctm

    EU Alliance EU 70 twinks.

    Meant for Dreams :D
  17. Ctm

    EU Alliance EU 70 twinks.

    You will make Horde look bad...
  18. Ctm

    EU 2v2 Arena Wargames - Saturday 29th December

    Damn, I am on vacation, would rly like I could join. Well, next time :/ Would be awesome if someone gonna stream it and save video,
  19. Ctm

    EU All vs All Duel Tournament - 23rd December 16:00 Realm time

    Beatbox - outlaw - Defias Brotherhood. Not 100% sure if I gonna be online at the time
  20. Ctm

    News XPOff Christmas Giveaway!

    Let's do this