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  1. migli

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

  2. migli

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    I don't really mind these players that exploit because honestly they all suck and literally exploit their way in just to lose, but i see where POV such as @Light and @jwl may come from as it is frustrating for wtv reason we can talk about (abilities/certain item, im thinking of cudgel for MH...
  3. migli

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    Didn't know jumping was an exploit. You look angry dude, maybe hop on horde with us to soothe your mind.
  4. migli

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    Wall jumping is an art of its own, he spends hours practicing to master the perfect jumps. Pressing a consumable isn't. Anyways, use em' if u want, I don't really care about that stupid controversy, we will still farm alli 24/7
  5. migli

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    LOL. Also funny that most levelers that have endgame characters are too lazy to spend 2k gold on enchants that will be forever bound to your piece of loom that will grant you a significant advantage not only in pvp but also while leveling. People that whine about that stuff are bad 12yr old that...
  6. migli

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    @Light @jwl Always fun to shit on these kids with u guys, people cry way too much. Are they gonna make a post for 120 bg's that the glad has 100k hp over them and literally globals them? LOL
  7. migli

    US Migli's 2v2 invitational official thread

    You can play healer/dps mate! Just no healer/hybrid
  8. migli

    US Migli's 2v2 invitational official thread

    gotta shot for the utopian reality, we take what we have, no worries
  9. migli

    US Migli's 2v2 invitational official thread

    When the god himself gets the point, and yeah, resto doesn't react that well to burst/pressure when out of swiftmend charges imo. You do you brotha <3
  10. migli

    US Migli's 2v2 invitational official thread

    Oh god i’ll stop arguing with someone who thinks all he says is right. That’s why i love Jwl, love his sense of humour. The sad thing is that you are a real version that deeply is in love with your opinions and close minded. Good to know for future posts. If you are not happy, mightaswell leave...
  11. migli

    US Migli's 2v2 invitational official thread

    Alright so i'll start off by saying that as a former 2700 player when I used to play and compete at end-game, I don't know what do you actually expect as a tournament host. Sorry I didn't get the 32 points I needed to get my rank 1 title. My paladin -->...
  12. migli

    US Migli's 2v2 invitational official thread

    Alright folks, welcome. The tournament will be held on Sunday the 7th. I expect people so login at around 7 EST so we can get things started well and quick. The best situation would be to have 16 teams of 2 (so 32 players in total) to have the optimal tournament bracket. *RULES* 1. No class...
  13. migli

    US 2v2/3v3 Arena tournament?

    Sup ya'll, we been having a blast with war games and I'd like to know how interested you guys would be about me organizing a 2v2 or 3v3 *mostly 2v2 tbh* arena tournament for Sunday the 7th at around 7-8PM EST so we have time to finish because it would be decently long, with of course a prize...
  14. migli

    EU+US 59's Armory and Community Lists

    wtb rng R1 fmage -->
  15. migli

    Making my first 20

    I paid 15 bucks on a separate account and geared a guys and canceled sub so in a month ill be able to play with decent q times. I still have my main account active with all my twinks if i wana log onto them on evenings where games are really nice and the q's arent terrible. In case they revert...
  16. migli

    EU+US Possible BiS quest rewards items list

    I am pretty sure we are still restrained and dont have access to zones that are level 30+, which makes the quest pool decently small if you ever did loremaster achievement
  17. migli

    EU+US Possible BiS quest rewards items list

    I found out while researching that a lot of quests rewards give loads or crit and not much versatility/haste. This is why i filtered a lot of them that have good stat stick/ver/haste on them to prioritize them to not waste that good luck on a shitty crit chest :)
  18. migli

    EU+US Possible BiS quest rewards items list

    As it is down time right now, i feel like its a really good moment to lookup quests if you have nothing but to watch the log-in screen for the rest of the day! Take care ya'll
  19. migli

    EU+US Possible BiS quest rewards items list

    Sup yall, i've been looking around to check the possible quests that can award a blue/purple upgrade that will possibly be BiS for my horde shadow priest. I looked up yesterday for a couple of hours for the best possible quests to do and i've come up with a decent list of to-do's on releaes...
  20. migli

    WTB belt glitch DAL H

    i am now on BH and paying around token price for any interested, i have the mats for the tinker and practice tinkers if needed since tomorrow instance gear scales up it would be interesting to try it in an instance so i dont risk binding a BOE green