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  1. mfdoom

    Feel free to rip me a new one, but...

    I didn't say you suggested a ban, that's very clearly the opposite of your argument. Why would you say that? And I, likewise, didn't suggest a ban. I've actually been trying to explain to you that that isn't the point of this thread. If the past few pages are any indication, this thread...
  2. mfdoom

    Feel free to rip me a new one, but...

    Many people have already stated this isn't a thread discussing banning rdruid fc's, nor is it about countering them. This thread is a discussion about a break from the meta. It feels like you didn't read all of the OP. Because you keep coming back to, "You guys just want to ban Rdruids". If...
  3. mfdoom

    Feel free to rip me a new one, but...

    OP already said he doesn't want to limit what people play, he just want's a discussion of a break from the meta. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be starting from the presupposition that resto fc's are all there ever will be, so we might as well get used to it. This thread is about...
  4. mfdoom

    69 priest

    It seemed like a fun bracket so I made a character, plus exp off 2's pop most nights. Also currently using band of alacrity because it feels cheap to farm 60s for marks, and I only gain about 8 haste out of it, at the cost of some intel and stam. Any ideas on my second proff?
  5. mfdoom

    69 priest

    Going for max haste, wondering if there's a better option than the hellfire rings. Thanks Krushchev @ Eitrigg - Community - World of Warcraft
  6. mfdoom

    10 Boomy

    There's really no point anymore, other than having 50% versatility out of BG's. :P
  7. mfdoom

    10 Boomy

    Icanteven @ Eitrigg - Community - World of Warcraft Ty for any feedback =D
  8. mfdoom

    US <Skill Ratio> - Bleeding Hollow (H) Recruitment

    Master of Warsong Gulch doesn't require you to be exalted with the Silverwing Sentinels/Warsong Outsiders or w/e they're called.