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  1. Rank 1 2v2 EU

  2. My 70 Stream queuen prot resto
  3. Rank 1 2v2 EU

    austria, why?
  4. Rank 1 2v2 EU

    y, but were having problems against prot pal teams i need my dots from cat form and thats the time where im getting oneshotted ^^
  5. Rank 1 2v2 EU

    havent played much yet. But here are my armorys for rating comparing in future. My ratings will heighten.
  6. Nifflevars on rogue?

    i did some math a time ago and came to the result that crux is still better than nifflevar axe. Didnt test it, but the additional % for daggers beats the extra weapon dmg of nifflevar axe. The stats were taken from chardev. i used BiS gear and took the average weapon dmg of both and added...
  7. My 70 Stream

    we're going to queue later again maybe. the queue time is too long atm
  8. My 70 Stream

    because i can permanently pressure, as cat you have an energy downtime, where the dmg drops. furthermore i can root the mage in place with bear charge + im nearly unkillable for only 1 dd in bear. 74 cause of cyclone.
  9. My 70 Stream

    youre welcome
  10. My 70 Stream

    playin disc feral now
  11. My 70 Stream

    Stream is live Playin Resto Prot 2,3k+
  12. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    gms say that you can have all glove enchants. But they didnt say, you can have them at the same time
  13. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    Something about flag carrier classes especially for rbg. You can have 800 resilience and 25k life, it wont prevent a oneshot from a mage, due to the flag carrier debuff. If you want a flag carrier for rbg you have to be leatherworker for the 70 frost resistance bracer enchant. Furthermore...
  14. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    well, in my opinion, this meta isnt worth it, cause you have a chance to refund an average of 300 mana, with a 1 minute cd. Thats fairly nothing, you wont even recognize it. Instead i would use Trenchant earthsiege diamond, which gives 21 int and 10% less stun duration. Especially if youre in...
  15. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    either oracle talisman of abultion or battlemaster trinket with crit or haste, which suits better to the players playstyle something i have to note. You have mana problems as paladin but you have to kill your opponents faster than youre going oom
  16. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    yea, but there is no other trinket which can compare to this one. Never mind. Here's a Chardev of Resto Druid: Gear is a mix of resto t6, moonkin t6 and pvp, in order to get the t6 2 set piece bonus from resto t6 and as much haste as possible. I gemed...
  17. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    ill give you answers to any of your points 1. the glove bonus isnt worth it, cause people dont die because youre not healing enough. They die because youre not getting heals quickly enough off. That said, im equiping the pve gloves because of haste. 2. Why should it benefit more? if you...
  18. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    Yea i agree, but there are other talents which are much better than the 100% spirit = hit talent, putting only 1 point in that talent, allows you to gain other nice stuff and you can also get hitcap with only 50% spirit = hit. How do you get 20% hit? As healpala, you dont wear the spirit...
  19. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    btw. should enchant the gloves of holy paladin gear with 20 hit, otherwise you aren't capped why are the most chardevs equiped with battlemaster? battlemaster is much worse than other trinkets
  20. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    since everbody has engi, i think everybody should use lightning generator, cause the stats of this trinket are op as hell