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  1. Kutotems

    "The Seeker" - Title WoW

    ^^, outland is an Outland, to ruin that would be against the lore, so no, post shattering, preshatter OL quests werent reset credit wise
  2. Kutotems

    shammy dps

    3k is pretty good, an armory link would be cool so i could see if your over/under or at the avg dps for your gear. BiS ele can pull probably 5-7k on certain bosses.
  3. Kutotems

    Starting a 70 twink -- not sure what to go with

    Feral is super bursty, and shamans in full pve gear 141+ can do a big amount of damage, Resto is getting nerfed (shaman) a well played rogue can do tons of damage.
  4. Kutotems

    The Tears of Wrath is now recruiting!

    Were in the PDT TZ. We usually raid on friday nights, sat nights, and sunday afternoons-nights. Were trying to farm sunwell trash for our BIS patterns and such on weekdays. I may have to run the worgen race thing by the other GMs, however. usually PVE runs are boosted (runs with 85s) but when we...
  5. Kutotems

    Highest Dps at 70?

    Arcane easy drops it, i pull around 3k on my enh shaman with wolves up, but a pve BiS ele shaman can hit up to 12-14k lava bursts.
  6. Kutotems

    Need help choosing

    ßroseidon already has madness of the betrayer, (<---his guildie) so both wouldnt work, i would reforge the GLG to give a little haste over crit for BGs and arena below1k, then switch to booster in arena 1000+ rating
  7. Kutotems

    The Tears of Wrath is now recruiting!

    ^^^^^^ DISLIKE....i worked hard for those D:
  8. Kutotems

    The Tears of Wrath is now recruiting!

    Dominado's main (which is me) is named evelini. Come to the 3 of us for any questions and such about the guild. We have our main's guild Morning star crusaders help us clear out almost if not all lvl 70 raids per week. Mostly focusing on getting hyjal/sunwell/BlackTemple cleared every week
  9. Kutotems

    lvl 71 Archaeology 1h

    So i was looking at the archaeology rewards/ rare artifacts and when i looked at the vrykul artifacts there was a lvl 71 requirement axe with a 580 top end, 2.6 speed and a 171 dps called the Nifflevar Bearded axe. now, i wonder is this obtainable at level 70, and if it is obtained/Dual weilded...
  10. Kutotems

    r 39 shamans any good?

    Enh shamans just destroy if they get a WF proc. not so much as before but check out this link to see the desctructiveness of a 39 enh shaman. YouTube - Kutotems, 39 twink enhancement shaman! 1.6k wf's and much more :]
  11. Kutotems

    39 twink video compilation

    im sure this person doesnt twink anymore, because this is from TBC days, but this shows how truly destructive a 39 enh shaman can be. check it out. YouTube - Kutotems, 39 twink enhancement shaman! 1.6k wf's and much more :]
  12. Kutotems

    SoJ has the highest top end.

    so i was doing some research on WoWhead, and i found out that (non boa) staff of jordan has a 180 top end, 13 higher than PoD and i think 13 higher than the BoA axe. Im not saying its better for a warrior to use as a weapon, but what about a shaman who uses a 2h occasionally? (note that i do see...
  13. Kutotems

    Burst DPS Issues

    There are alot of burst issues in the 39 bracket, mages are massively explosive and hunters, well, nuff said there. Ive played shamans at 39 before 3.2 and the damage they can output is insane, my twink info name and my twinks name atm (kutotems), is mostly based on the hardest hitting shaman i...
  14. Kutotems

    39 feral druid gear

    to start off, i would get CHillwind Staff from the WPL quest chain (Heroes call board in SW). Also look up a couple of rogues from <The Beegeez> and see what chestpeices they have. As far as i know, Rogue gear is closely related to feral druid gear in terms of leather.
  15. Kutotems

    Horde/Ally, who is better?

    I always thought that Ally was better when i played 39s pre 3.2 in nightfall with <Hero> still active, but im leveling a shaman at the moment to do more 39s and i cant help but wonder. . . .is it a total steamroll every time for one faction? or is it rather even nowadays in the US?
  16. Kutotems

    rogue weapon

    as far as i am sure, Vanquisher's sword is Grandfathered, am i wrong? (please say if i am, im not too sure). However, Dire maul or disc. rod is probably the best,