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  1. Kutotems

    Mage gems/enchants etc

    If your going frost... try this guys gear, hes got alot of resi Qpác @ The Venture Co - Game - World of Warcraft he has 450 alch but JC is good also for the gems. have fun
  2. Kutotems

    Bis 70 Deathknight

    Please take a note of the BiS lists that Highborne posted (thanks man). Frost=> DW(chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm) 2h(chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm) Blood(chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm) Unholy(chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm) heres the link to the Compilation of BiS lists Thread, link is opened up to Highbornes...
  3. Kutotems

    US BG Queue Wait Times

    Ive heard 3 or 4 of my guildies who also play 70s say it to me and to others, but i cant be sure, no Blizzard confirmation yet.
  4. Kutotems

    New rogue idea for combat

    yeah i didnt notice that, if it was 40% haste UB itd be 14Energy/second
  5. Kutotems

    New rogue idea for combat

    heh, on my shaman im usually getting bursted by sub rogues xD . . . also id figure id add the haste = energy regen equation. its 10 x (1+(energy haste%) for example, if you have 80% haste. 80% of 100 is .8, so 10 x (1+.8) = 18energy per second. I didnt see a post on this in the first few...
  6. Kutotems

    US BG Queue Wait Times

    BLizz promised to fix this in 4.2 and the ZA/ZG make a difference, also in 4.2 even with the fix people will get slower Qs because of new arena season and i beleive firelands is coming. or atleast some instances
  7. Kutotems

    New rogue idea for combat

    if you factor in the energy regen you get from it its extremely badass. tbh im suprised im not seeing more of this.
  8. Kutotems

    New rogue idea for combat

    I heard that rogues get increased energy regen from haste effects (not heard, more of just though about it a bit more), and so i figured... what if a combat rogued gemmed all 10agi 10 haste gems... with the combat spec and slice n dice up, youd hit hard and fast. check the chardev i have...
  9. Kutotems

    *Help* sunwell pugs

    yeah thats the main reason i want so many 85s. 7 or 8 will burn fel down in 45 seconds. so i dont have to deal with Idiots not knowing what to do on the air phase, and twin eredar can be a pain if u dont down them fast
  10. Kutotems

    Enhance VS Prot/ret: Which is better?

    Oh thanks :D freaking KJ wont drop my cloak, MH FW. Sathrovar wont drop my legs, brut wont drop my neck and the twins wont drop my freaking shoulders or ring. so my gear wont drop or id be BiS right now. 2 apolyons in 6 runs and Vengeance wont drop from trash >.<
  11. Kutotems

    80 shamans vs rogues, 80 BG activity, and how are arena Qs at 80?

    im talking in battlegrounds. arenas will always be active
  12. Kutotems

    80 shamans vs rogues, 80 BG activity, and how are arena Qs at 80?

    First off, i was thinking of leveling either a shaman or rogue to 80 to do BGs and twink and such, and i was wondering which is better right now? 2nd, before i wanna dive into 80 content and BGs, how active is it for both BG qs, and Arenas? pugs will be pugs, Light of Dawn is a good eye...
  13. Kutotems

    *Help* sunwell pugs

    WHenever i run it on my 70 i say "LFM Sunwell plateau, need Xhealers, X tank and X dps. PST for invite. Open rolls on all loot except for 3 items (the 3 changes depending on who, how many, and how undergeared the other 70s are, its good to mention if the t6 tokens are open to roll on also...
  14. Kutotems

    Holy Pally Chardev?

    try mixing in pvp gear with this..... (----> BiS holy pala for PvE) chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm
  15. Kutotems

    Enhance VS Prot/ret: Which is better?

    something tells me your shaman friends over on the other faction dont know what they are doing, ret pala and enh shaman is a good matchup but unless your getting the stun + crit burst, its hard beating an enh shaman. May i see an armory link of what you wear during BGs? cause i think i might be...
  16. Kutotems

    Enhancement Shaman tips and tricks

    keep in mind im not going for a super duper resilience stack like arenas, but i agree that 4peice brutal is extremely useful. The thing about insta Gwolf is you need to run around well and avoid slows. Seasoned winds v frozen power was hard for me, i find with my build SW is better for...
  17. Kutotems

    Enhance VS Prot/ret: Which is better?

    id say enh.. based on my comment :D
  18. Kutotems

    Enhancement Shaman tips and tricks

    Was wondering if all you at twink info can see if im mising much on my 70 enhancement shaman (link ---> Dominado @ Sentinels - Game - World of Warcraft ). I know that it is important to A) use maelstrom wisely B) use brutal 4 set in pvp C) utilize wolves properly D) engineering nuff said. E)...
  19. Kutotems

    Enhance VS Prot/ret: Which is better?

    Resto has been nerfed, so not as good anymore. ES and its heals nerfed. The thing about enh is the wolves need to be nerfed, either the dmg or the healer, either will work. A good enhance shaman will A) Utilize its purge and kiting abilities B) use the maelstrom procs for heals in PvP always...
  20. Kutotems

    70 twink BGs not getting Qs?

    i seem to have a dilemma of not getting Qs on my 70 twink, i had avg wait time minute< and now its unavailable