Enhance VS Prot/ret: Which is better?


So I have a 70 shaman and pally at the moment, both of which are healers. I want to start gearing up a DPS spec for one of them, but I don't know which would be better in an arena. Does ret, prot, or enchance have better dps? What has better survivablility? Which is just better overall in an arena.

Suggestions as to which i should gear would be awesome.
lol many bumpps at once, bump ump buudump
should really only bump your post once per day imo. eventually someone will answer
imo enchance shaman in arenas is better than a prot or ret paladin. better in BGs too

purges and able to force the divine shield on the paladins real fast, wait and follow with ghost wolves is "I WIN" 31 point talent. ret paladins are really never able to use there 31 point talent, takes too much to build the HPs and from then you must be able to maintain ToT which ain't happening in a arena. prot paladins 31 point talent is just a minor death/damage delay and a worthless auto heal.

ret's have the annoyance factor of 2 stuns, best thing they have going

in BGs where paladins are able to use LOH, you just kite them using totems and come in and out till they are wiped.

seems most enh/ele shamans have done opposite of you, they have flipped to the LOL you can't kill me unless you have 5 others res-spec. most of them do this to counter mages which are pretty much OP against all melee classes that require ToT and yeah i know ele-spec isn't melee...exception
shanker said:
imo enchance shaman in arenas is better than a prot or ret paladin. better in BGs too

purges and able to force the divine shield on the paladins real fast, wait and follow with ghost wolves is "I WIN" 31 point talent. ret paladins are really never able to use there 31 point talent, takes too much to build the HPs and from then you must be able to maintain ToT which ain't happening in a arena. prot paladins 31 point talent is just a minor death/damage delay and a worthless auto heal.

ret's have the annoyance factor of 2 stuns, best thing they have going

in BGs where paladins are able to use LOH, you just kite them using totems and come in and out till they are wiped.

seems most enh/ele shamans have done opposite of you, they have flipped to the LOL you can't kill me unless you have 5 others res-spec. most of them do this to counter mages which are pretty much OP against all melee classes that require ToT and yeah i know ele-spec isn't melee...exception

Na arenas and BGs are all about surviving while being able to put out damage. In that respect a Prot-Ret pally that is geared correctly is 500 times better then a ench shaman. With out wolves shamans are garb unless there they kite like all-stars with frost shock but when your forced to do that your damage goes down the drain. Anyway Imo Prot-Ret or just a pally in general > any shaman that isn't resto.
all im gonna say is dont go all pve gear in bgs, if u arnt in a grp, prtty squishy in class cannon gear
A few more questions:

Are Enhance shammies better off-healers than ret pallies?

Are ret pallies really that good without wings?

Is resto better than holy?
Resto has been nerfed, so not as good anymore. ES and its heals nerfed. The thing about enh is the wolves need to be nerfed, either the dmg or the healer, either will work. A good enhance shaman will A) Utilize its purge and kiting abilities B) use the maelstrom procs for heals in PvP always, save it up or w/e. It is good damage,so use it for dmg too, however, but be careful with using it if you dont have 4 peice brutal bonus. C) Be careful on your wolves, it may not seem, but the 2min CD can be alot sometimes. Dont pop them to take out one person (in BGs). D) like all twinks, utilize engineering, 450 with the tazik shocker or springs is very usefull. E) use the Stoneclaw totem glyph, it is a lifesaver. i got carried away there^, but i dont know much about prot, but all i know is, Cpt america shield. HoJ, bubble, use HP for heals.
res-shammies got a supposed 20% nerf on ES. yet at 70 they are still insane to kill, makes me wonder if this nerf was applied across the board or at level 80+ like they do some nerfs and buffs. ES now has a vague tooltip...very generic as a attacker you really have no clue what the ES heals are unless you have your combat log rolling. before the patch ES had various values at 70 from the 1600-1800+ range when you clicked on a shammy...... with the 20% loss that should be 320-360 less. 9 stacks of 1280-1440 heals are still alot to overcome along with healing totem that adds 200-2000 heals at randon. the 2000 randoms are crits.

patch notes are really vague anymore, worse than years prior, and as usual not all changes even make the notes. looking at the wow forums..85's they really challenged and QQ'd on this patch concerning all the info/changes not mentioned

ret/prot are much weaker with the WOG nerfed to a 20 sec CD.....holy paladins can rickroll them now
So right now I'm getting that shaman's in general are pretty beast, so I think i'm going to stick with that

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