Enhancement Shaman tips and tricks


Was wondering if all you at twink info can see if im mising much on my 70 enhancement shaman (link ---> Dominado @ Sentinels - Game - World of Warcraft ). I know that it is important to A) use maelstrom wisely B) use brutal 4 set in pvp C) utilize wolves properly D) engineering nuff said. E) purge and kiting to the best of its use. Im aiming for the BiS set on the twinkinfo BiS lists that Highborne so nicely posted for pve and no resilience glass cannon shinanigans in pvp (http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/70-79-bracket/20017-compilation-best-slot-gear-lists-pve-3.html). Any tips or tricks that you enh shamans have discovered.;)
Well, when I went to look at your toon, she didn't have on rings, neck, trinkets, relic, wrist, or foot pieces, so hard to guess at final stats ;-)

I'm only recently twinked, and the queues have been buggy since so I don't have that many matches under my belt, but I can say that the full honour set (brutal gladiator+guardian) does add up to a pretty nice set of stats. Right now your toon is falling a bit below them, although adding in the missing equipment probably closes the gap and maybe then some.

On talents you have Seasoned Winds but not Frozen Power. I'm sure that is a preference thing, personally I really like the ability to root at moderate range, but I've not tested out seasoned winds yet. On major glyphs, again a matter of style and preference, but personally I'd prefer either of Shamanistic Rage or Healing Totem (the one to clear magic de-buffs, the other to give more spell resistance to your whole group) over Ghost Wolf. The 5% extra speed is really nice, but I don't see it as being AS useful as those defensive measures....then again, I use frost shock with frozen power a lot, so maybe I don't need the extra speed as a gap closer as much?
keep in mind im not going for a super duper resilience stack like arenas, but i agree that 4peice brutal is extremely useful. The thing about insta Gwolf is you need to run around well and avoid slows. Seasoned winds v frozen power was hard for me, i find with my build SW is better for controlling casters. FP and SW i would love to have, but cant always get what you want : \

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