Search results

  1. BOA leggings, who has them already?

    Anyone know any guilds on Draenor (EU) with BoA legs yet? I'm getting bored of waiting for my main's guild to finish up the last few profs.
  2. Oh look! Another Holy Paladin!

    A good point, I've been running WC somewhat half-heartedly but've been pretty lazy about that :P I'll start putting together an alternative gear set, but I'm so loathe to stop using my gloves/bracers/legs after it took me so long to find them :/
  3. Oh look! Another Holy Paladin!

    In my defence, I rolled this at the end of Cata, before I had any idea how much they would change when the patch hit, I was not pleased with the changes. Still, anyone care to take a look and see where I need to improve it? I know I need an AGM or two still, I'm just too lazy to do it and...
  4. Leg patches coming back?

    Double post. Rookie mistake...
  5. Leg patches coming back?

    It'll probably go the same way as shoulder enchants went after the first heirlooms came out. It would be nice if it worked from a power point of view, but the extra stamina is unnecessary and would be annoying, making kills even harder to get. Much as I like the way things are now, with the...
  6. Hbotz(19 paladin)

    I didn't say anything about the belt :P I'd still say the Bracers and Leggings are BiS, less sure about the Gauntlets. Also the cloak, healers are automatically hitcapped, so you don't need Spidersilk Drape for the +hit anymore, go with the caster heirloom one perhaps? Or there may well be a...
  7. Hbotz(19 paladin)

    Too much cloth in my eyes. Defender Gauntlets of the Eagle - 4 stam 4 int Fortified Bracers of the Eagle - 3 stam 3 int Defender Leggings of the Eagle - 5 stam 5 int Those are all BiS for Holy Paladins, and pretty much always have been. People neglect the value of armour on their gear...
  8. The cost of locking your experance.

    I don't think greater wealth = greater skill/attitude... Also wargames, also bg pops.
  9. [Mists Of Pandaria] Dorygoon's 19 Warlock Guide

    Re: Dorygoon's 19 Warlock Guide I'm playing with Destro while I gear right now, and it's overall damage is a lot nicer, but I've decided to gear for everything really. Mainly because not a huge amount changes with the gear spec-to-spec, the most annoying part'll no doubt be getting multiple...
  10. [Mists Of Pandaria] Dorygoon's 19 Warlock Guide

    Re: Dorygoon's 19 Warlock Guide What's your opinion on the Demonology/Affliction specs at 19 since the patch? I'm rolling a 'lock now, because my old main twink's a Paladin and I don't so much enjoy being one of six other Paladins just running around in PuGs not dying... So I've been...
  11. 5.0.4 warrior gear?

    Check the armory lists for warriors in whatever spec you want, there are no warrior twink guides in the guide section for 19s, but if you can't be bothered to search the lists yourself, look at Critrage @ Draenor EU, he's gotta be somewhere around BiS or something.
  12. Druid/warlock looking for active 19s

    What does stay small mean? Play Gnome?
  13. How to make your healer more OP :)

    Cool, but not hugely useful, I can spam my most expensive heals as fast as possible and not go OOM :/
  14. Pally or Warrior twink?

    I would be inclined to say go for a class that you actually enjoy and like to play. Don't just go for what's currently the most OP. However, if that's the way you want to go, then go for a Holy Paladin or a Resto or Balance Druid from what I've seen/heard.
  15. MoP

    I'd better finish my desktop build ASAP then, I've been playing WoW on a netbook for the last few months... Also Can I Run It? is not the most accurate thing, it says I can't standard WoW but I can hit a comfortable 15fps on minimum settings, enough to PvP/Dungeon fairly well..
  16. Thinking about leveling another twink

    Apparently Warlocks are getting a significant boost in MoP and look to be a good class for PvP specifically. Affliction is always the solid DPS spec of choice, but Destro kinda looks to have nice burst damage... They also have the added bonus of being really uncommon as yet, that's always nice :)
  17. Which class to roll?

    Warlock? There's virtually none around in 19s as yet and I have HEARD they get awesome'd good in MoP PvP-wise. Affliction particularly, you'll be squishy as hell but still. Once my Paladin's finished/close to finished I'll be rolling a lock myself :D They're so fun to play (as a bonus)
  18. Importance of armor in 19s

    Alright then, thanks for the response :D
  19. Importance of armor in 19s

    How important is armor as a stat? I'm currently sorta rolling a Holy Paladin and it's got me wondering, BiS gloves for them are Defenders Gloves of the Eagle with 4 intellect and 4 stamina, however Serpentis Gloves are 5 Stamina, 4 intellect and 4 spirit. Does the extra armour from the...
  20. BiS shield for a Holy Paladin? (Human, no faction change)

    Thanks for all the help! I went with the Forest Buckler, I can always get Seedcloud if I change my mind and the enchant for it is in no way expensive :D