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  1. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    I saw you tonight on the toon I'm pvp leveling to 60 once 3.2 hits. Boatmurdered. I basically stand around and throw heals. But with smorcs, and when i put on my +healing gear it's pretty decent heals getting tossed out. But I do remember you so I thought I'd say hi.
  2. @10's, luv.

    Once 3.2 hits my friends and I are going to level purely from pvp (we'll use the daily too if it comes up I imagine), and hopefully by the time we hit 59/60 we'll have justicar. Once we hit 60 or 59 we're stopping xp and running each other through old instances and twinking out to the max...
  3. Rate the twink above you.

    Goser As a side note I haven't been able to find the of shadow damage shoulders yet so for now I stick with the boa ones as they're decent.
  4. This might be the wrong place but..

    If you're friend is to lazy to take the literally 3-5 hours to get you to 30 then I doubt you can count on him to run you through instances for the gear/chants you need. With midsummer festival you can level even faster than the already absurd rate with RAF.
  5. Will edit a 30-39 arena video. ;]

    I use my left hand to push the buttons 1-6 on the off chance I need 7 or 8 I click it with a mouse. I can't imagine how keybindings would drastically improve my playing ability.
  6. Will edit a 30-39 arena video. ;]

    That seems like an opinion more than a fact. Maybe at 80with a whole lot of skills it could be true, but at 39 where you have a handful I don't think it'd matter to much.
  7. *US*Bloodlust or Cyclone for most active 39?

    3.2 Patchnotes We have changed the opposing factions grass textures. This grass is exceptionally green!
  8. Will edit a 30-39 arena video. ;]

    Pretty sure he doesn't want to see a warlock just standing back dotting people, or a rogue 1 shotting level 30 mages. Shame though I never understood what people have against clicking especially at 39 when a lot of classes only have a handful of skills anyway.
  9. *US*Bloodlust or Cyclone for most active 39?

    I'd personally wait a week or so after 3.2 hits, and see what changes.
  10. NEW BG FOR 39's!!

  11. Check this guy's armory...

    If it's his first character I wouldn't be to hard on them. I mean back when I started playing in '04 on my rogue I wouldn't spend any skill points until I could fill up the talent I wanted. Of course I also thought the quest where you learn poison and got diseased was literally going to get my...
  12. Stamina to AP equivalency

    The rogue's I see in the 39's bracket vary between 1700-2300 health on average. As long as you fall between that range my advice would be to just try a few games, and see what you feel you need more the ap/agi, or the extra stam.
  13. Highest crit after patch. 39 only please. =D

    851 shadow bolt as an affliction warlock not buffed on a non debuffed target. Right had a smore forgot about that. Either way I stand by it as decent for affliction.
  14. The new patch = 39's dead?

    Yeah I'll be waiting til after 3.2 hits and then seeing where I can transfer my lock. Hopefully a decent twink guild will spring up.
  15. OMG Epic Mounts for 49s...

    I'm pretty sure baron's mount has had it'd droprate buffed to just under or exactly 1%. Any of my toons that make it to level 75 are honor bound to farm strat solo until they attain it. Therefore I have 2 and am farming for the others (3 more to go). It's not that bad if you're willing to do...
  16. OMG Epic Mounts for 49s...

    There wasn't a lowbie av it simply didn't have the requires level 51 to get in thing all levels between 30-60 joined the same one. It's a story I heard from my old vent when I played horde on bleeding hollow.
  17. OMG Epic Mounts for 49s...

    A loooong time ago back when av first came out and bgs were done by the tens (10-20 ect) av was I think 30-60 it was a huge gap. Anyway there was I want to say a NE rogue. He had one of the first real twinks and he pvp'd all the way to exalted with the faction, and got himself ye olde epic...