Search results

  1. Beats on 19's / 14's website

    Keep going, talk, make promotions, you are just bringing a shiny big target on your back. Before I only cared about Bon14's but my desires of conquest are growing strong, and you want to make associations ? be my guest, but I'll treat you just the same. I will bury theses two guilds myself...
  2. Rate my lvl 10 rogue.

    Joking this guy is too good... very stealthy...
  3. level 10 warrior FC: Max Resil and CTC Capped

    Ye right it depend on your talent, you self-centered delusional perverted big-mouthed child...
  4. 30-39 Achievement Points!

    Oh well don't wet your skinny pants over this either, it's called "account wide achievements, account wide pets, account wide mounts", it's all wide, but not this wide either. Obviously doesn't include titles, is Barak Obama called Scarab Lord Barak Obama ? You could argue achievs are just...
  5. 30-39 Achievement Points!

    I have already reserved the following names on Arathor : - Myalttoo - Myaltfailed Sorry can't have them.