Beats on 19's / 14's website

Beats on19's


I made a quick website today - It includes BON, BOF, and many others from different realms . . . well - actually it's a bit sparse atm - but will get more quality eventually.


. . . and yes it's promo . . . promo for 10's :)
I enjoyed the screenies and videos so far. :D
Hey Ioerror, This is gatorbait. Sorry I only replyed with "Sup" last night but my internet had been screwing up and kicking me. :(
Keep going, talk, make promotions, you are just bringing a shiny big target on your back. Before I only cared about Bon14's but my desires of conquest are growing strong, and you want to make associations ? be my guest, but I'll treat you just the same. I will bury theses two guilds myself. /grin
You have no idea what you are all up against. You will soon find out...
Keep going, talk, make promotions, you are just bringing a shiny big target on your back. Before I only cared about Bon14's but my desires of conquest are growing strong, and you want to make associations ? be my guest, but I'll treat you just the same. I will bury theses two guilds myself. /grin
You have no idea what you are all up against. You will soon find out...

Keep going, talk, make promotions, you are just bringing a shiny big target on your back. Before I only cared about Bon14's but my desires of conquest are growing strong, and you want to make associations ? be my guest, but I'll treat you just the same. I will bury theses two guilds myself. /grin
You have no idea what you are all up against. You will soon find out...

whatever it is you're talking about, is completely missleading, and therefore you should probably check the 15-19 page if you're looking for other trolls
Allwide - I am all for this burying BON and BOF as long as it is helping the 10-14's bracket.

Good on ya for more promo!!

*Ultimately it's Blizzard that will decide how twinking goes. . . Ghostcrawler, Chilton or any of the other Bliz cronies have got da powah.
**MoP will probably be the most detrimental/beneficial thing that will happen this year.
***Perhaps thinking socketing 13's will make a huge diff?
Keep going, talk, make promotions, you are just bringing a shiny big target on your back. Before I only cared about Bon14's but my desires of conquest are growing strong, and you want to make associations ? be my guest, but I'll treat you just the same. I will bury theses two guilds myself. /grin
You have no idea what you are all up against. You will soon find out...
Hummm..Looks like someone's Nerd-Raging over a few BG steamrolls? Lol just die/laugh/learn and try an new approch.
I added a short video showing some of what we have to offer in BON's official bank. This is actually only 1 of 3 guild Banks that BON has. . .

A couple more screenies were added.

Thought of the day:
Farming wildvine sucks! omg

**I will be farming Furbolg rep for Twinbladez - 10 rogue and Texx's new 10 druid - either later today or in the next few days. Feel free to join us on Horde side ---> you know you wanna dress up as a Furbolg! The more the merrier.
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ioerror update me with this game :) its been a bitta time:(

1. 13 and 14's have started socketing - using the "glitch." But that is of course what twinks do - no point in twinking if you don't fully twink yourself. :)

2. No legendary yet. :(

3. XP off WSG on the 17th was awesome but a B.A.M.F. F.C. would have been nice on horde side.
socketing??? link por favor!!

A few 14's in BOF have - I know I would too if I actually had a 14. At least they changed 1 of their profs to BS. Cryst cuffs and Cavedwellers can get socketed. There is a thread on the "Front Page News." No doubt to be nerfed.
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