Search results

  1. Rogue and Priest Help

    Seems dumb, but my rogue needs updating it would seem. I cant figure out what the new cloak enchant is called or where to get it, and any other suggestions are welcome. My priest is solid, but I think she needs work too. Anything that you can think of would be helpful. Rogue - Nó...
  2. level 19 priest + 79 rogue twink

    I have to say i like the build, but i only saw two things i would change, and these are just preferences. I would get the Dignified Headmaster's Charge enchanted w/ spell power simply because unless you're having severe oom problems i like the extra SMACK to my spells. The only other thing is i...
  3. 19 Enchancement Sham

    for the life of me i cant seem to find the link for this twink...
  4. 19s' New Lead Classes

    All around general Bad-@$$ery Amikus. As in the most useful, hardest to kill, and most dmg output. Staying alive in WSG=more dmg. Period.
  5. Ambassador Title

    Yep... ...just got it
  6. Ambassador Title

    So... I can say i'm getting close to being out of quests for all the begining main city areas...I have about 13k rep w/ the darkspear trolls and it's not looking good...I've done a faction change, and i'm still about 10k on TB...did i mess this up some how?
  7. Is it seriously worth the time and effort?

    Like any collection of human beings you still have your percentile of simpletons. On the other hand having all twinks also gives rise to the old addage "Too many chiefs, not enough Indians." People in the twink BGs tend to have a greater ability to play but also tend to be Know It Alls, with...
  8. 19 Rogue offhand

    What's the preferred rogue off hand? supposing a second Shadowfang is not available. I've been using Battleworn Thrash Blade(Fiery), and was told it was noobish, which i dont quite get. Help would be appriciated.
  9. Twinking...of a different variety...

    so what was twinking about before separate bgs then? I'm just saying it's a fun option, not that it's the end all be all.
  10. Twinking...of a different variety...

    So there's no such thing as a good idea on this forum? I have both and play regularly, how is this a bad idea?
  11. Twinking...of a different variety...

    i would assume that since my original post is contrary to most of this sites goals, most would find it lacking. I'll have fun with no que times, enjoy your wait!
  12. Twinking...of a different variety...

    uh...why may i ask?
  13. Twinking...of a different variety...

    lol good idea
  14. Twinking...of a different variety...

    Twinking...EXP lockout over-rated Am I the only one rolling 15 to 19 twinks? I think it fun to grab 5 to 6 pieces of BoA gear and face roll the non-twink community. Let’s face it. It’s not your gear that makes you awesome, it’s your personal experience and how you play that PWNs Nuubs...
  15. So Horde, which race is best as Rogue?

    I've rolled BE and UD for rogue, Undead Twink(female) Blood Elf 80(female) and they both look good while stealthed moving. As for the abilities, if undead are getting nerfed god BE. The silence is super useful in a twink. I miss it so...
  16. WTS Shadowfang

    How bout $50?
  17. EU WTS Assassin's Blade and Shadowfang.

    gosh...i hope no one actually pays would destroy my faith in humanity and reason.
  18. How long did it take you to get fishing hat?

    Twinkytoes way to depress the hell out of the new guy :P
  19. Enchant Searching

    Well i like the profiler, but i cant search for people who have the enchant...makes me a sad panda really. Any ideas?
  20. Titles...

    Could you just tell us the titles? Lol for some reason I'm not seeing the titles aren't showing up on the armory.