Twinking...of a different variety...

Twinking...EXP lockout over-rated

Am I the only one rolling 15 to 19 twinks? I think it fun to grab 5 to 6 pieces of BoA gear and face roll the non-twink community. Let’s face it. It’s not your gear that makes you awesome, it’s your personal experience and how you play that PWNs Nuubs. Try it. It’s why we made twinks in the first place.
Raltie said:
Am I the only one rolling 15 to 19 twinks? I think it fun to grab 5 to 6 pieces of BoA gear and face roll the non-twink community. Let’s face it. It’s not your gear that makes you awesome, it’s your personal experience and how you play that PWNs Nuubs. Try it. It’s why we made twinks in the first place.

You should change the title, people will think of 'the other twinking'.
i would assume that since my original post is contrary to most of this sites goals, most would find it lacking. I'll have fun with no que times, enjoy your wait!
rofl your a newb. twinks fight other twinks. if you want to pwn newbs u can be like RC-ST and be bad -.-
Oh god..

Poor Raltie, just because he is too bad to play in the xp off bracket ;) or too poor to move to one with games..
So there's no such thing as a good idea on this forum? I have both and play regularly, how is this a bad idea?
Obviously there are amazing ideas on this forum. But we encourage Twink PvP, a fair battlefield, not some dingdong running thru EXP BGs facerolling everything, that's not what Twinkinfo stands for.
so what was twinking about before separate bgs then? I'm just saying it's a fun option, not that it's the end all be all.
Lay off guys.. you get mad when people pick on level 1 twinks, let him enjoy his pixels however he wants to.
z1nk666 said:
LOL! yes i was thinking what you into gay porn?

Orcgasm said:
Lay off guys.. you get mad when people pick on level 1 twinks, let him enjoy his pixels however he wants to.

Except this has nothing to do with the levels.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Except this has nothing to do with the levels.

It has to do with his style of gameplay, just how level 1 twinking is a style of gameplay. Just how any sort of twinking is a style of gameplay.

I restate, let him enjoy his pixels the way he wants.
Playing a 15 rogue in all heirloom gear is not the same as playing a 19 rogue with Shadowfangs in the XP bracket. I made a warrior with full BoAs, stopping to get instance gear every 10 levels, and RAPED the XP bracket, even when others were doing the same.

Stop judging him, all he suggested was rolling new toons, giving them BoAs, and playing XP-on. This is a good solution for those who don't want to transfer but simply enjoy low level pvp.

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