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  1. Leg Kits, Shoulder Enchants, & Professions nerfed?

    Sorry if someones already mentioned this, but couldn't be bothered sifting through 11 or so pages. But I've heard that the JC trinkets, e.g. Black Pearl Panther will require you to keep JC to use them? Thanks
  2. 60 Twink rogue weapon chants

    65AP or Accuracy sounds like a good choice for OH ;) Not tried Subt. yet myself but hm, might give it ago ;)
  3. 60 Twink rogue weapon chants

    A good start would be, what spec will you be? :P Atm I've got a rogue at 60 with a few bits of GM gear and the daggers x2 with a mere +50AP on them since hes going to 80 soon... But in regards to being "great on clothies" ... I just open up with cheap shot, muti, kidney shot, and...
  4. 60 twinks

    ok thanks all, taken up JC and BS :) and, don't hate the "skill generator" as its been dubbed in my battlegroup, just slightly annoying when some DK deathgrips you in field of strife and blows your face up with it :P
  5. What about the >>70<< bracket?

    I can't see cross-language battlegroups working at all... 90% of the idiots in most battlegrounds can't spell their own names let alone try and communicate in a different language... On topic, I suppose I can see the attraction of the 70 Rated Arena, but since i've already experienced high...
  6. Lvl 60-61 how long time do it take?

    I don't know how much exp it takes to level from 60-61, but I do know that on my 51 shaman that I'm getting 200exp at the absolute MAX in AV, so thats a helluva lot of AV's before you'd ding :)
  7. 60 twinks

    Hi, thinking of bringing one of my 49's to the 60 bracket and was wondering what professions are good to take? Not going to take engineering for the retardedly OP trinket btw. And before anyone says it, I don't care about the flood of deathknights in the bracket ;) Edit: Will be my...
  8. LF Premade guilds

    Ouch, just lost a cool point from me :P I can see why a afflic lock could be fun in some ways, but atm in one of my BGs for example. Theres an afflic lock twink that i burn into the floor if i get close enough, on both my current toons, but if he gets off his 3 instants, a few seconds later its...
  9. Retadin Specs?

    nice build Tai, but... no Eye for an Eye? Thats the only actual problem i face when playing against a retri pally on my toons atm, practically kill myself on my shaman -.-
  10. 40-49 q&a

    Ok, thought as much, thanks ;)
  11. 40-49 q&a

    Hey, was just wondering how much hit rating i should be aiming for on my enhance shaman (dual wielding) With this Flashlight coming out 24 ish Hit rating iirc, and the change to Toughness, was wondering if it would be viable to take 3 points from Dual Wield Spec. and place them elsewhere...
  12. Rate my 49 hunter plz

    Hey, I've played the 49 bracket for about 3 years now so hopefully this should be decent advice :P Your hunters gear is pretty good tbh, but I'd swap out 12 agi on boots for Surefooted personally. Also, I'd consider getting some legs with Nethercleft and if possible some BoA shoulders with...