60 Twink rogue weapon chants


I am working on an undead 60 rogue for AV. I am considering Berserking chant for both weapons. As I understand it, they proc 400 AP and reduce armor 5% now. I have no idea of the proc rate though or how long it lasts. Any thoughts? I expect to have around 1100-1200 AP and a double proc would take me to 2k AP which would be great on clothies lol.
A good start would be, what spec will you be? :p

Atm I've got a rogue at 60 with a few bits of GM gear and the daggers x2 with a mere +50AP on them since hes going to 80 soon...

But in regards to being "great on clothies" ... I just open up with cheap shot, muti, kidney shot, and another Muti will finish off 90% of casters I face before they even have chance to scratch there beards and hammer their nearest escape mechanism.

Back on track, Beserking could rock but I think i'd personally just take it on the main hand, don't know if the OH proc rate would be worth it, but someone would need to test this ;)

Will add some more to this post in abit, gtg out now
Probably going to be subtlety with a mainhand daggar. That's true, the offhand doesn't hit as much, maybe accuracy or 65 AP would be better for that. I have a 60 twink mage with 5200hp and she often gets basically one or 2 shotted by the twink rogues if I don't blink away within 2 seconds. Getting hit with a 3k Ambush then a 2-3k Evis, ouch lol! And if I do blink away I usually am blinded next for a quick death.
65AP or Accuracy sounds like a good choice for OH ;)

Not tried Subt. yet myself but hm, might give it ago ;)
Ya my plan is to just cruise around AV and 1 shot people then vanish. Basically be a nasty assasin.

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