Search results

  1. MW Monk LFG Damage dealer

    I'm a french MwMonk looking for a good 29 for 2s and 3s ! I'm still learning how to heal and how to Mw =) ;)
  2. 2v2 Comp + Dp Comp !

    Please guys , write below your best comps !! With Rsham too !
  3. What are you doing once 6.1 goes live?

    But its a glitch or something or its gonna be free for ever ? I mean it is gonna be fixed or its legit ?
  4. What are you doing once 6.1 goes live?

    I hope 29 will survive !!!
  5. What are you doing once 6.1 goes live?

    I'm pretty sad , 29 was so fun instead of 19 ! Gonna roll a 19 MW monk i think
  6. What are you doing once 6.1 goes live?

    So we just have to make a free 19 Bis twink and its Good !!??
  7. What are you doing once 6.1 goes live?

    Then it is possible for 29 twinks too ?
  8. What are you doing once 6.1 goes live?

    Okay guys , i have trouble to understand you , im french ... Can you explain me quickly whats happend and what is vet account ? Does this impact 29 twinking ? im afraid because i put loat of times and effort in 29 !
  9. What are you doing once 6.1 goes live?

    29s gonna die ?
  10. BCEPQue 3.0 Twink Rating Addon (Release)

    Ok thanks
  11. BCEPQue 3.0 Twink Rating Addon (Release)

    Im actually 28 , does this matter ?
  12. Become a Jhough MW Monk! - MW Monk Mini Guide.

    FINALY , thanks man
  13. Dose Caverndeep Trudgers still drop?

    "These just dropped for me tonight, February 6, 2014." On wow head comment section about this item
  14. Silver lined belt farm

    Thanks guys !!
  15. Silver lined belt farm

    Sadly there's none on my realm ... How can i do ?
  16. Silver lined belt farm

    MW ! Ok but sorry kazkier dont really know abbreviation of english terms , btw i dont want to buy it , just drop it , i think !
  17. Silver lined belt farm

    What is this ? sorry im french
  18. Silver lined belt farm

    Where did you get your Silver lined belt ?
  19. 20-29s Armory List

    MOAR pls
  20. 20-29s Armory List

    Any good 29 MW monk armory ?