Search results

  1. The I'm too good for AGM thread.

    I dunno I just have curtains..or are they drapes? hmmm..
  2. 20 pop on aerie peak full to capacity

    dammit the servers are down.
  3. 20 pop on aerie peak full to capacity

    I started there already.
  4. mind kill

    73 is the 21st prime number, 37 is the 12th prime number. 21 is the product of multiplying 7 and 3. 73 in binary is 1001001 which backwords is 1001001. youve now been totally confused! congratulations!
  5. Joining F2P

    ok lol10chars
  6. Joining F2P

    Mage or lock
  7. Joining F2P

    Race plox.
  8. Joining F2P

    ok lol10chars
  9. Joining F2P

    and I need a class to play as
  10. 60 Twinks - US - [H] - Ironsole Clompers (Kel'Thuzad) Recruiting!

    Join guild now. -Chronicninja
  11. Fixed queues

    Queues are fixed. Happy person.
  12. 14 or 19??

    Nah. Im rolling Horde. My 85 is horde. So it'd be kinda hard with getting my money too my alt and shit.
  13. 14 or 19??

    I saw that. Its helpful, but Shadowfang is gonna be hella hard to get.
  14. 14 or 19??

    Mkay. Thanks
  15. 14 or 19??

    Also what profs should I use? Im new to twinking, so I got no idea.
  16. 14 or 19??

    Thanks for the advice.
  17. 14 or 19??

    I'm in the process of twinking a rogue,but I need some advice. Should I go 10-14 or 15-19?