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  1. Requests to Farm - What Do You Do?

    i always cap it if some fierys kid has it, tell them to go up to the gy so they can get the hunters, say youll support them, then drop back while theyre running in, it works surprisingly well lol
  2. Runic Spellthread bugged ?

    im 90% sure he gave you wotlk spellthread
  3. BoA shoulder enchant (bug)

    hopefully that can be a final conformation for any doubters :)
  4. Who has 450 gathering professions?

    i got 375 mining 450 skinning so that might be more fun in the long run, not too far ahead to be owning everyone, but certainly ahead :P
  5. BoA shoulder enchant (bug)

    i hope this works because i was pretty down about the zg situation :) edit: any screenshots?
  6. Getting gatherers un-grandfathered

    actually i did level my profs thanks, i would be happy with removal, its going to kill twinking if it stays like this
  7. Getting gatherers un-grandfathered

    well, we've got to start somewhere :)
  8. New mail legs. 30 agility without leg armor

    even if it doesnt give the stats, wearing a level 19 green with those stats is gonna look cool :P
  9. Pwndepot

    There can only be one!
  10. is it wow expensive

    im sure you missed out some stuff but if i was making almost 2 billion euros a year i wouldnt be too upset.
  11. WotLK and Twinks

    when 500hp and 10% crit are available, they're neccessary...
  12. Little gear question

    elocon is right, lifestealing is much better if youre looking for healing but if you really need healing, grab herbalism, and never forget you have your bandages, if you can lose a player (not hard as a rogue lol) theyre there for instant health
  13. Farming Graveyard

    depends what type of gy camping i despise it when someone asks you to not cap it so they can make level 12s eat skeletal club for a few honor points when they will probably never get close too a battle standard Gotta have some respect for your opponent, stuff like that just gives twinks a...
  14. Little gear question

    ah wasnt expecting you to be a fc lol youre a rogue, not a druid, do some damage like rogues should ^_^
  15. Little gear question

    personally i would re-ench your shadowfang and stick 15 agil on it i would also grab 4+ stats on your chest and 8+ agil on your hat, you seem fine for hp but a little low on agil. i would also go for cats swiftness rather than boars speed and of course the obvious one, ditch the...