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  1. minimexx1

    Know Your F2P Twink

    Oops again
  2. minimexx1

    Know Your F2P Twink

  3. minimexx1


    What are some add ons that you guys use on all your twinks not just a specific class? Like UnitFrames and Cooldowns etc
  4. minimexx1

    [24] <Provocative> Spirestone - Horde, US

    I currently play FtP and would love to make a horde toon and que with you 24s. What classes are you looking for from FtPs?
  5. minimexx1

    Talking to 85s

    Thanks guys. The thing is my server is I think the least populated one in WoW and its just me and 85s haha :) but good ideas tyvm
  6. minimexx1

    Talking to 85s

    In my server i am in I need to talk to a couple 85s. Whats the best way to get them to invite you to a party to talk. None of the emotes seem to work.
  7. minimexx1

    Linen Cloth Farming

    Thanks guys
  8. minimexx1

    [OFFICIAL] Team Swag Recruitment Thread

    Swagbackpack in the making, tauren ret pally (dps)
  9. minimexx1

    Linen Cloth Farming

    Where is the best place or mob to stack up on linen cloth?
  10. minimexx1

    Premades vs AGMS?? You Decide

    Sweet ty
  11. minimexx1

    Premades vs AGMS?? You Decide

    How do i simu que on another server? Can i open 2 windows?
  12. minimexx1

    Premades vs AGMS?? You Decide

    I just really can't decide to roll my next toon on an empty server i found or AP, the toons going to be a warrior. Which imo would be good with agms.
  13. minimexx1

    Premades vs AGMS?? You Decide

    Ya for sure
  14. minimexx1

    Premades vs AGMS?? You Decide

    Hello all fellow Aerie Peakers. I have noticed lately a lot of toons moving to low pop servers for easy agms. Do you guys think it is worth it to have 12 stam and absorb 1k damage to be in random pugs, alone in que times, etc. Im really not sure at this point and before i make a toon on a...
  15. minimexx1

    Best Warrior Spec???

    Thanks :)
  16. minimexx1

    Best Warrior Spec???

  17. minimexx1

    Best Warrior Spec???

    Thanks. Whats the DPS difference in fury and port anyway? I know fury is better but by how much?
  18. minimexx1

    Best Warrior Spec???

    I have been considering rolling a warrior and I am not sure what spec to use. I know Prot has a stam boost but is it worth it for a dps loss? Or is fury worth it for a stam loss?
  19. minimexx1

    Best servers for easy Arena Grand Masters?

    I was just wondering the top servers or the lowest pop servers for easy agm looting. Aerie peak is definitely not one of those servers! :P