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  1. Sparklystars 85 arena (movie)

    Wasn't trying to troll to begin with, he claims to be the best and people just pointed out his w/l and rating. His fault.
  2. Sparklystars 85 arena (movie)

    I hope you know I'm talking about us, and if you do I really think you just don't know anything. Name just about any top player right now, and they are all on kt. Even top eu players made us accounts to play on this bg. It is the most competitive and biggest bg as of right now, and the only...
  3. Sparklystars 85 arena (movie)

    A long time ago? KT just became top this season.
  4. Sparklystars 85 arena (movie)

    Rofl, here we go. 2.3k is not hard, sorry to burst your bubble. 2.7k as tsg in one of the most broken seasons with mmr exploits, win trading, glad sales at the max. 2.7 wasn't even bottom line glad, it was a joke. And rank 1 world 2's/3's? You mean the fact you win traded that high and played...
  5. Sparklystars 85 arena (movie)

    #1 player for sure, you've hardly been past 2300 let alone seen the chance at getting glad.
  6. Sparklystars 85 arena (movie)

    Agree, low rating, horrible record. Showing off arena master like it's good.
  7. Niffle enhance

    Second niffle just popped up. Took 20 solves on my main, 27 on my alt.
  8. Niffle enhance

    Just what I was looking for, thanks.
  9. 72 arena question

    From what I know, they have to be on the team before, or be invited on the team by someone level 70. So if you keep a 70 alt or something on the team, you can invite people from there. Might be wrong.
  10. Niffle enhance

    Working on getting my second niffle axe. I figured I would put my old 71 shaman I stopped leveling to use. He's 1 exp (idk how) from 72 so I'm guessing I'll just level him and get goggles also. Anyone got any armories of current niffle enhances? Also, are they okay with enhance? I don't see...
  11. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    KT on us. Idk if they are at that now, but I've seen them for that much and less, wish I wasn't poor or I would buy one. There were 4 swift ones and 3 reg on the ah the other day, now there are none. It's late though.
  12. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    WOW you overpaid for that by a lot. On my server swift is at like 375k, reg is at 250k.
  13. Vengeance stacks well at lvl 20 or 24? (Prot warr/pally/feral)

    Pretty sure it's the same for all levels? I could be wrong.
  14. Updated MOP talents

    Tbh, I'm still new to my rogue, but I find myself forgetting to dance sometimes. So no dance should be okay.
  15. Updated MOP talents

    The only thing I see about the armors is that yes, mage armor is at 86, but no other armor gives mana back anymore. Just haste crit and mastery. This might have to do with the evocation having no cd if you choose in last part of tree. Who knows what they'll do.
  16. Updated MOP talents

    Check them out. Quick glance by me on some classes. Rogues lose dance, don't know if this was from other talents also, but prep resets cloak now which is cool. Mages remain op as far as I can tell. They get FOF below 72 again. Still going to be a lot of changes, but I don't like some of...
  17. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    Well, after 5 re levels non gnome I got tazik. Not my springs I was going for, but it will keep me happy until I'm willing to dump 30k+ into getting springs.
  18. level 70 rogue

    Man, I swear your posts make you look more and more clueless. This whole forum had nothing to do with control, or 85 arena, or player skill, until you brought it up. The simple argument was bis off hand weapon. It has nothing to do with the skill of the person behind the character.
  19. level 70 rogue

    You're paragraph means nothing tbh. Yes, top rogues such as reckful are good because of their control, but the 70 bracket is not like 85, or what 70 used to be. You can control as much as possible as a rogue in this bracket and still not do good. You can in fact see a difference between a good...
  20. Thunderfury

    Worth farming for vanity imo. I would use it to mess around in bgs and such, but other weapons are superior.