Search results

  1. Shikaari

    Our new Zookeeper!

  2. Shikaari

    Looking For *2* New TI Bloggers!

    Okay! I will resubmit I suppose. I typed a good amount but the timing of this post was right after I submitted mine. I'm not sure if that's me being paranoid (I'm looking for jobs now so I'm always paranoid) or just ill-fated timing haha.
  3. Shikaari

    MoP Grandfathered Gear

    Hey guys. I'm looking to make a list of Grandfathered gear from MoP from ALL brackets just so everyone has a chance to grab everything before it's gone for good. As you can tell from brackets like the 29s or even the 19s, grandfathered gear can be a pretty big deal and MoP will likely change a...
  4. Shikaari

    Looking For *2* New TI Bloggers!

    Mind sending me a message if mine was too short? I thought it was succinct and long enough but if not I can resubmit =P
  5. Shikaari

    WTS [Defender Shield of Blocking] - Draenor EU

    Honestly, I'd suggest hopping off his dick. Nollix looks fine here; you on the other hand look like a sad, sad man.
  6. Shikaari

    WTS Zulian Ceremonial Staff

    Hold for one more expansion (MoP) when ZA/ZG doesn't even factor into other people's minds.
  7. Shikaari

    Possible lvl 85 Twink guild (Thinking about it)

    Cata and Wrath were both shit but at least in Wrath arena was somewhat decent. This whole expac has been shit entirely (and I've been at the top of both PvE and PvP so I feel qualified to say that). This is the worst expansion Blizzard has done. They bit more than they can chew and in the end it...
  8. Shikaari

    Aerie Peak Arena Tournament with TCG Prizes!

    That would make you a double healer team.
  9. Shikaari


    I would if I could. No one wants a lot of free runs or something for this? =P It would only take an hour and a half (max) of your time!
  10. Shikaari


    Hi, I realize that this is kind of desperate, but I'm REALLY bad at leveling and I'm really burned out on it as well since I leveled 3 80s to fruition in the last week. Would anyone mind letting me recruit a friend a throw away account and then leveling with me to 20? Please and thank you! <3...
  11. Shikaari

    it's serious and their's no going back.

    Apparently forum posting about it, on the other hand, is not.
  12. Shikaari

    AP Arena Tournament with TCG Prizes!

    Heh. Kahr has the mog that's very close to what I want. I just plan on using a black shirt instead of the grey.
  13. Shikaari

    What does the 29 bracket need?

    Success. Question, what shield do Horde healers use? Everyone I've seen has the grandfathered one (which I really want ><). The other shield I wanted means I can't get Arcanist Ring, which is a perfect way to hit cap. The closest I've gotten to a good shield I want is the 8 stam BoE Green one.
  14. Shikaari

    What does the 29 bracket need?

    That's what I figured. I'm going to make a resto druid on Dragonmaw (given Franchi's offer) and I'll manually farm the BoAs. It seems like the class least limited by not having the guild BoAs and I can always farm the rest of the BoAs on the 29 or a different class on a BG weekend. Granted...
  15. Shikaari

    What does the 29 bracket need?

    I'm also looking to do this. The problem is I wouldn't be able to get BoA's outside of the 4 servers I am on (in my sig). Is that a problem?
  16. Shikaari

    little macro help

    I can understand trying to free up the binds, especially if at end game / if you're used to it. That being said, given you need a focus charge, why would you put charge in there?
  17. Shikaari

    80 Hunter - Grace of the Herald vs. H DBW

    @Splosion Actually good point. I'd run a Titanium Chain on Oathbinder, just getting one is difficult. I'd definitely recommend titanium chain. I didn't think about using a 2H on a non-1Hr. I didn't really choose 70% crit as a random number. That's just where I am. I largely tried to reforge...
  18. Shikaari

    More balance to the bracket

    It's going to be pretty funny if another good game comes out. This bracket will die so quickly and 24s will be left wondering what happened.
  19. Shikaari

    To equip or not to equip.. intense poll here. (Screenshot provided)

    Interesting how many 20 twinks have these just from doing SFK so much.
  20. Shikaari

    80 Hunter - Grace of the Herald vs. H DBW

    I'm not really going mastery on my hunter anymore. I tried it out, and after talking to Zolt, we seem to agree it's just not very effective. My target is about 70% crit, 31% haste, and then the rest into mastery as a dump. I can get to 40% haste, I might do that instead. Not sure quite yet...