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  1. Mid Strat, Is there a counter?

    It is a form of a mid strat but it isn't similar in anything other than it is in the middle.
  2. Mid Strat, Is there a counter?

    Haha, great minds think alike :P
  3. Mid Strat, Is there a counter?

    Only strat that seems viable other than a better mid team, I would go as far enough to say to not even attempt to kill anyone during the kite, just cc them so stack mages in stam gear to try and prevent the squishyness of them.
  4. My thoughts on a dying bracket

    You seen smull on his rogue? Oxxhaha or something, he is a a good rogue, a pain in the ass to have on you.
  5. Tough Love vs Queueing Is The Best Bit!!

    Why did Vianco get banned? P.S on a side note, I won't be playing in the premade due to having a Chemistry GCSE on the 20th.
  6. My thoughts on a dying bracket

    I agree with your showing other people how to, if you want to make a change. But without a solid community who are friendly then it is going to be impossible to make a change, if the first resort is sending someone to twinkinfo currently this isn't exactly the best website for new comers to...
  7. My thoughts on a dying bracket

    I have been in the bracket since tbc but only started reading up on the forums in early wotlk, and perhaps I did go to defensive but if it was even slightly needed to keep the thread on topic then I suppose I am glad I did it, after all it is never about how the player writes it is about what...
  8. My thoughts on a dying bracket

    I fear for you if you cannot read a bulk of writing that isn't even big.. I won't use paragraphs but if you want I will indent it, I am sure you know what an indentation is. =This for example is an indentation, same use as a paragraph, better for English. Note I am not attempting to show off, I...
  9. My thoughts on a dying bracket

    I would hardly say the bracket is flourishing I suppose that is your personal opinion, each to their own. Now more reasons why I currently think the bracket is slowly dying is due to the need to create pops through several players swapping to horde or alliance, now you may think that is just...
  10. My thoughts on a dying bracket

    Perfect. I am also glad that your first post would be on my thread :P
  11. My thoughts on a dying bracket

    A simple player crying out for a dying bracket thread. You post has been reported.
  12. My thoughts on a dying bracket

    It would have to be a bracket wide attitude change to get everyone to begin welcoming new comers into the bracket, something the forum managers themselves would be to completely wipe free all of the threads created which aren't currently stickied, most are useless and full of ego's doesn't give...
  13. My thoughts on a dying bracket

    I entered a battleground today and was able to stay for the whole game, some times I have to leave due to irl issues or food.. anyway I noticed in this battleground that everyone and I mean everyone has become extremely elitist and will claim nothing as a fault of their own, for example there...
  14. Rules/Facts of 19s

    Alright I own up.. I am Mila Kunis.
  15. Bracket wide activities at all time low.

    Saxx I understand your worry for the bracket but stating how you believe it is time for the premade activity and arenas to start, it won't happen for at least another 2-3 weeks, currently all across the world in US and EU people are going through an examination period, in the US I believe you...
  16. 3 Words - A Twink Story

    Rocked his banana - above comment confused me
  17. 3 Words - A Twink Story

    killed him again.
  18. 3 Words - A Twink Story

    became dead.
  19. 3 Words - A Twink Story

    he committed suicide.
  20. Mystic's robe

    Ahh right okay.. I managed to get one for 10g, I haven't really paid much attention to that shit before so I thought I might as well check it in case I had stumbled on a gold mine.