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  1. Jadyne

    Whats your favorite TWINKING class?

    I liked playing a shadowpriest in vanilla. Beating the OP rogue twinks was incredibly satisfying back when shadowform wasn't available and people made jokes about pew pew laser beams. Same with playing a retadin in TBC, when they were weak even at 70, but incredibly underpowered at 39. When they...
  2. Jadyne

    Game of Thrones scene you are most looking forward to(SPOILERS)

    I haven't even watched the series, but I think I'd be looking forward to viper vs mountain the most... if i hadn't researched the outcome. =/ I might have issues if Tyrion actually gets executed. Wtb more tyrion material to watch! >.>
  3. Jadyne

    [WotLK] Basic 39 Class Builds

    Ah yeah, you can do tbc enchants on it, but they have to be through the trade window, not through scrolls.
  4. Jadyne

    [WotLK] Basic 39 Class Builds

    Agreed. Shadowforge Bushmaster is so close, however, and the resil is such a small amount, that I put it in there as an encouragement to hunters to get the boa gun last after all the other boas. Much better use of vps to get chest and shoulders when you can get an equivalent gun so cheaply.
  5. Jadyne

    watching VICE...

    1. Unsubscribe from cable tv, the main news cycle etc. Find a good newspaper to subscribe to or a group of news sources that are decent. Stay informed and vote. 2. Tell others anytime you find them open but unknowing (takes time to get comfortable doing this). 3. ??? 4. Maybe the human race...
  6. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39s Welcome Thread <3

    I have yet to see anyone experiment with fire nova on an ele sham. I hear there was a patch where it was OP. I'm not sure if that's 3.3.5 though. Also, spellhance is very good as well.
  7. Jadyne

    [WotLK] <Voodoo Child> Recruiting 39s for Premades

    (Updated original post.) Had our first premade match on Friday. Went well, but most importantly it made more clear what we need to recruit for to fill out our premade team. We may have won those fights, but <SIR> had several key players missing, so we're expecting a more difficult...
  8. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39s Welcome Thread <3

    Bad representation. We've actually got a bunch of excellent warriors, and several scary hunters in the community. As for priests... yeah they're probably the toughest healers to deal with... until they go oom. While the premade we just did on Friday had the rule of no more than 2 of each class...
  9. Jadyne

    need help

    It forces your hand to stretch, increasing flexibility.
  10. Jadyne

    [WotLK] <VC> vs <SIR>: The beginning of a new era for 39s.

    Good games. Everyone had an awesome time, and we're looking forward to doing this again. We're going to aim for a bi-weekly schedule for the super-organized stuff. Also, apologies, but apparently no one was able to stream tonight. Hopefully that'll be different next time.
  11. Jadyne

    Improve the Bracket

    I agree having everyone on one server has a lot of potential for organized stuff. Thing is, drama usually makes it harder than expected anyway, plus it's annoying to try to supply an entire twink community with the resources of a single server as opposed to the resources of multiple servers...
  12. Jadyne

    [WotLK] <VC> vs <SIR>: The beginning of a new era for 39s.

    Yeah. We'll know for sure which streams when we start. Afaik, we could have up to 4 different people streaming, or as few as one.
  13. Jadyne

    [WotLK] <VC> vs <SIR>: The beginning of a new era for 39s.

    Game is today. Starts about 12 hours from the time of this post.
  14. Jadyne

    Improve the Bracket

    Agreed. The first option is ofc already in progress on Molten, though it'll probably never have enough players to do more than a couple WSGs at a time, even if they are running at all hours thanks to being international. Oh, and no need to actually build a pserver. Just have to download and...
  15. Jadyne

    Dreamcast Vs Gurubashi Surf Club

    That's often what you have to do the first couple times you do a premade. But once you get them going, generally network effects start to work in your favor. Just have to be patient with the sub-par subs while you're getting started.
  16. Jadyne

    Dreamcast Vs Gurubashi Surf Club

    Ah. Not my thing then. The main thing I'm trying to do right now is set up a community to be able to play premades a couple times a week and then not worry about having to farm or anything like that.
  17. Jadyne

    Dreamcast Vs Gurubashi Surf Club

    Never played. It any good?
  18. Jadyne

    Dreamcast Vs Gurubashi Surf Club

    I wasn't originally going to say this, but after reading so many comments about balance issues and globaling... If you guys want to premade 10v10s in a balanced bracket where people aren't getting insta-killed... PM me, and we can talk Molten 39s. /shrug
  19. Jadyne

    <Twink Inc> Funding 19 Twinks interested in Rolling on WotLK Server.

    I can get you free enchants at least if you're on horde side. It'll be up to you to vote or play for your gear though. <Twink Inc> is now pretty much inactive, while several new guilds have formed on each faction. <Voodoo Child> is recruiting. We're pretty selective, but it depends more on your...
  20. Jadyne

    [WotLK] <VC> vs <SIR>: The beginning of a new era for 39s.

    Damnit, Falkor! You're on my list too now. 30g each for Falkor ears guys!