Whats your favorite TWINKING class?

What's Your Favorite Twinking Class?

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Yes. Twinking Class.
Not your main, (some people like rogues when twinking but dislike them when not twinking) but the class you have the most fun with WHEN twinking. Doesn't matter which bracket.

OR It could be your main class like myself, boomkin, hands down favorite class/spec and I love twinking it.
Sunrised to see druid at the top. Yep I twink just to play rogue. The enjoyment level of twinking a rogue is much more than playing a 90 in my opinion.
I feel there is many more players that get enjoyment out of the harder to play classes than the ones that can just steamroll over opponents. I like the classes that aren't too overpowered, but still have a small kick to them, or tricks up their sleeves.
Def paladin. Mainly because of the amazing self healing. Playing since 2005 has taught me that you can't count on teammates to heal/peel you. Even if you are in an organized groups using voice. Paladins always have tools even at twink levels to survive. Bubbles, super heals, dispels, snare breaking, speed boosts, mail/plate ETC.

Prot paladins can GTFO though. You all ruin any bracket you enter by constantly silencing everyone.
I liked playing a shadowpriest in vanilla. Beating the OP rogue twinks was incredibly satisfying back when shadowform wasn't available and people made jokes about pew pew laser beams. Same with playing a retadin in TBC, when they were weak even at 70, but incredibly underpowered at 39. When they started to trend towards OP in Wrath, I got kinda sad.
Personally I love Shamans, once you hit level 10 you have heals, instant damage, moving cast (lightning bolt), and a shield that hurts people when they hit you.

And once you get to the 60 area you get the possible instant cast Lava Burst, which is just sexy.

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