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  1. Jadyne

    [WotLK] Molten (Warmane) 39s

    Hi. How I play pierst?
  2. Jadyne

    <Twink Inc> Funding 49 Twinks Interested in rolling on WotLK Server.

    Yeah, On that note, I guess I better go update them. =/ As for a real response: Yes, most pservers are garbage; Molten is one of the very few exceptions.
  3. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39s Welcome Thread <3

    Don't level on Lordaeron. Save up the 50 vote points for a server transfer, and level on Ragnaros for the 10x XP rate and 5x profession rate. PM me, I'm inactive aside from playing my regular weekly night, so it takes a bit more than a forum post to get my attention normally. =/
  4. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39s Welcome Thread <3

    Had 12-15 online last night. Did 3v3s for a couple hours, but needed a few more for WSG. We'll probably get that next week. Had a lot of people unexpectedly not show up, so pretty happy that we still got 15.
  5. Jadyne

    Do you feel guilt?

    I don't feel guilty when my team steamrolls the other team. But I do feel bad because that's one more missed opportunity for a competitive game, and the possibility of a few more players giving up instead of trying to improve.
  6. Jadyne

    49 current schedule

    You could roll a 49 on Molten-WoW, but we're not getting WSGs atm. Maybe once more people join for summer.
  7. Jadyne

    Axiomatix - Uldaman - 39 - Sub

    God damnit! I actually missed that this time. /angry
  8. Jadyne

    Addon for making pops happen in all brackets

    I think you should have an add-on that just punches you in the face every time a 30-39 queue pops. Sure it might require some specialized hardware, but you'd want to be the first one queued up just to avoid that punch!
  9. Jadyne

    Improving Players

    THIS is the way to encourage improvement. Easy to do, and no risk of damaging activity. You could argue that it's a weaker motivation, but why try more aggressive things that might drive people off when the first priority (for now) is simply getting games?
  10. Jadyne

    SCC vs CCS

    Kudos to you for having the resilience to do that. But it's not quite as simple as fear vs not fear. Anyone here remember the 19 premade matches that used to be talked about for 6 months back in Vanilla and TBC? They'd have one match, and then everyone would beat their chests over it for months...
  11. Jadyne

    SCC vs CCS

    Sounds like this really was a grudge match then. Okay, whatever. All I wanted to point out is that if you guys really want to get premade games, kicking the loser when they're down isn't the way to encourage that. Doesn't matter how much they "deserve" it. /shrug
  12. Jadyne

    SCC vs CCS

    So were they so bad that you don't ever want to play them again? What if they improve? Why trash them in here, when you already won and the screenshots were posted? Lay off and let them lick their wounds, and maybe they'll improve and actually be willing to play you guys again. There have been...
  13. Jadyne

    SCC vs CCS

    You mean Ying and Sickness were? Then I guess they just aren't interested in getting more premade matches?
  14. Jadyne

    SCC vs CCS

    Nice attempts at killing the opportunity for more premades. Hopefully the other people here will look at these posts for what they are: counterproductive. Oh, and you two also sound a little jealous. If you think SCC is such trash, then surely you can do better and put together your own teams?
  15. Jadyne

    Poor turn out, lets not have that again.

    How? I heard people couldn't log in for hours. Still waiting for people to wise up and not start playing an MMO on day 1. As for the actual top at hand, sounds like standard growing pangs, guys. Don't get discouraged, just keep games going. Takes more than a week of showing up to build trust...
  16. Jadyne

    Hello Im Noscope!

  17. Jadyne

    [WotLK] <Voodoo Child> Recruiting 39s for Premades

    Lol, daily games inc too.
  18. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39s Welcome Thread <3

    We'd have games going all the time if people had lower standards for the quality of those games. That said, we've finally gotten to the point where we're getting WSGs regularly again. I'll let you know in a week if it keeps going. And yes, FC mages are excellent. Make one on horde. Basic...
  19. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39s Welcome Thread <3

    Not on MoP. The [WotLK] tag is because we're playing on a private server that's running patch version 3.3.5a.
  20. Jadyne

    Plans for College/graduation?

    The KGB have a great health plan. Not so great life insurance, but it's not like they'd hire people with vulnerable relatives.