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  1. Music Help

    Twinky ftw?! At least he got some music taste! What do you listen to for music Emo rock? I bet so boy!
  2. Music Help

    WHAT?!?!?!?! I CANT BELIVE MY EYES!!!! MY EYES ARE BURNING!!! :@ WTF are u saying dude? ofc rap in the vid!!
  3. How to arrange an Eu vs Us 10v10?

    Couldn't agree more tbh those old school guys were good before when you had less abillitys than you have now. Many new changes and nerfs had came and they wouldn't match up to the new system it exist many new players that are MUCH better than them. You should already know this bragh since...
  4. HEY BRAGH! i think i found out whats up with rogues now'a'days

    eyy bragh my rogue is an UD now at draenor, we can practise when ever you want just whisper me, amiable, i still got the same name.
  5. HEY BRAGH! i think i found out whats up with rogues now'a'days

    i'm still in queue and waitin :p
  6. HEY BRAGH! i think i found out whats up with rogues now'a'days

    I'm on skype bro but i dont got any mic, queue 2v2 you too and watch us fightin'.
  7. HEY BRAGH! i think i found out whats up with rogues now'a'days

    Queue 2v2 now and we'll practise I'm in queue.
  8. HEY BRAGH! i think i found out whats up with rogues now'a'days

  9. Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days

    Man, sadly I can't play atm =/ not home atm, is at my shitty laptop with no WoW =S I can still speak skype tho, can you practise RvR tomorrow?
  10. Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days

    Bragh I would love to help you to get back on track, seriously. Do you got skype or something? I could learn you everything I know about the new play styles. Tell meh bro , I'll help you out , dw.
  11. Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days

    hehheheheheheheh 8))))
  12. Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days

    I see, you was good bro :p NOW MY TURN TO EPEEN I WOULD BE FUKIN TOP THREE ! :)
  13. Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days

    Haha ^^ you are a funny guy Bragh I'am actually starting to like you. So hilarious that you remember that ^^ Do you remember cuz it was towards daz ollololol and the most funny part of it! you're bragging on forums with it! I'm your new fanboy man :') you know how to piss of daz ollolol.
  14. Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days

    I know daz pretty good and I asked him, he answerd that he was saving his bandages agianst important peopels and it was one of the most unserious duels he ever played at PTR. Soooooooooo dude are you up for some RvR tomorrow?
  15. Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days

    Okay man, I'll be on tomorrow and we can practise RvR, perhaps you got MSN? PM it to me. I played oldschool RvR myself and ye it is an huge diffrence nowadays then it was before. RvR is all about who critts most and shit. Could you get anyone else to clearify that you was one of the best RvR...
  16. Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days

    What's up with the ego attitude? I did not say it was directed towards you, the little guide I wrote there was towards other members on this webb site. Bragh I don't like how you ''brag'' about yourself, it just make you look stupid tbh, drop the ego attitude. I don't want to start a flame war...
  17. Best 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5?

    It doesnt exist any best combo in two versus two, it's all about skills. Etc a guy with rocks can beat a guy with a gun it's just all about skills and how effective you use your abillitys. The combo which has the best advantage is obviously Warlock/Shaman, Warlock/Hunter, Warlock/Druid...
  18. Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days

    Thank you Shazzrah couldn't said it better myself.
  19. Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days

    I don't mean all good rogues like two of ten had made these misstakes as I wrote above. When we are speaking about top rogues I'd mention Omgmom,Bláckóut, they both beat me and they never make any misstakes. I overdid a bit when I said top, like average rogues on Al'akir, I can't define...
  20. Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days

    I don't know about the best rogues in Europe, but the best rogue at the best 19 alliance realm. When I had started evi fights versus the peopels I've fought, they've forgot to use their strafe keys, so it's so easy for me to get behind em. Some peopels has actually forgot to play defensive when...