Search results

  1. Best/Funniest Guild names evar!

    <Worgen Backwards>
  2. Needs help with macro

    I need help making what sounds like would be a simple macro, I just don't know how to do it. I need a macro that has a spell bound to the normal key but then you can shift click for another ability. I need it just to save button space and stay more organized. Any help is appreciated.
  3. Bye guys

    Bye And my 39 is sneakybeard on gnomergan horde
  4. Bye guys

    I'm done with 19's for a while, bye to anyone ive played with on shalale or sarsaparilla. Come play 39's with me if ur kewl.:D
  5. Something useful

    Twinkytoes u devil there was no cool story on that link at all, only lies! And it took me 5 minutes to get rid of it.
  6. best wow screwups ever?

    It was preatty bad, thats why i liked my rogue to much :D
  7. your fav South Park episode

    The one with the Japanese killing whales and dolphins was great
  8. Lock's spirit --> spellpower

    Glyph of life tap does increase your sp by 20% of your spirit for 40 seconds, but i would say its not worth sacrificing corruption glyph, or to stack spirit for it if you do use it
  9. Dog breeding and cool names

    Kareem abdul jabbark
  10. WotF = worthless

    When i looked at McBankington's link under racials it just said that WotF would share a 45 sec cooldown with trinkets.
  11. New Boyz moving up in the world

    People that use that voice thing tend to be bad imo
  12. Best Song Ever Made!!!11

    I happened upon this song and I figured people need to hear it. Enjoy.