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  1. Funny how the tides turn

    I ended up staying with my hunter cuz i was too lazy to make a druid. So i am loyal lol. Mainly i put 35 days played on that hunter im not bout to reroll.
  2. 72 WW monks

    I am wondering how you guys think WW monk would be at 72 with the 226 weapons. I've heard ww monks kinda suck but i was thinking it would be more even with 226 axes.
  3. 70s vs 71s or 72s and a couple other bracket questions?

    My first question is it it worth to lvl for the axes and whatever you get at 72 i forgot. Can you still arena? are you looked on poorly by the community? Also how are monks, DKs and Ele/Enh Shammies at the level. Also what is most OP. Thanks for the help.
  4. What is the best class out of...

    then how do monks compare to those two because I have never played a monk and am returning after a solid break.
  5. What is the best class out of...

    Feral Druid Enh Shammy and dps monk then same classes but resto
  6. how do dps monks look

    Im thinking about rolling one if i can get some moneyfor play time
  7. MoP Changes (short) Overview Class by Class

    *Edit* Holy Paladins are invincible. I may as well go f2p and be a holy pally and ill do better than my 24 hunter.
  8. Funny how the tides turn

    I understand that but you dont just drop your main twink. I guess I had it coming to me as my favorite class also happened to be the most OP so now im complaining but I am fine with an OP class jsut not to the point where f2ps can beat me. with liek 2 spells.
  9. Funny how the tides turn

    I am a 24 hunter. I was called a bandwagoner, I was said to be only able to play with a faceroll class. truth is ive had a 29 and a 39 in vanilla bc and wotlk before they changed. then i had a 19 and 24. It used to be a common theme to see 4 or 5 hunters per bg. Last game I was one and...
  10. blizzard just messed up every hunter trial/ non trial

    I believe we needed some type of nerf and I believe they did it the right way. Hunters still have all kinds of cc. the only problem is in a bg I would never target a hunter because the dps they do is almost nothing. As a 24 almost bis hunter im hitting 140 hits in sohrt its relaly bad for me.
  11. Do not delete your d-1000 rings

    the thing is u lose crit but u can get 15 agi and 5 stam if you switch the boots. and id take that over 10 crit.
  12. [Horde] <Sugar High> Recruiting

    I wasnt disrespecting him I am saying it is another option and i could farm the honor as a lvled too im just saying i need the guild boas and those are hard to get.. What hes doing is great for the community and I do appreiciate it.
  13. Transmog sets

    Kateupton @ Zul'jin - Game Guide - World of Warcraft mine not great
  14. Mocha's Resignation

    I hate to say it but i found this twink community to be much nicer and friendlier than the majority of wow. With that being said WoW community wise is the worst game I've ever played. In madden poeple are always willing to help youg et one of that in madden.
  15. Do not delete your d-1000 rings

    This is for all hunters. In beta you only need like 3% hit or something which equates to about 9. With the nerf of the rings i believe the best option now is to go d-1000 and an agility or monkey ring im not sure which. (im thinking agi as its gotta be better than 5-5)
  16. Thinking about returning to the bracket

    wow well ive only gotten to 1800 so i may want to think twice about playing XP
  17. Thinking about returning to the bracket

    I used to have a 39 twink hunter back in the day and enjoyed it alot. Now I am wondering a couple of things. How is the class balance, and how will it be in MoP. You probably will say look it up but honestly a am not a great judge as for most of my wow career I have played a twink hunter in...
  18. Thinking about returning to the bracket

    I used to have a 39 twink hunter back in the day and enjoyed it alot. Now I am wondering a couple of things. How is the class balance, and how will it be in MoP. You probably will say look it up but honestly a am not a great judge as for most of my wow career I have played a twink hunter in...
  19. Any oldschool 59 twinks around?

    i wanna make a 59 dk can anyone help me out with waht the best gear would be.
  20. Creating 24 fury Warrior

    thank you good sir.. apreciate the help.