MoP Changes (short) Overview Class by Class


NERFED thank the WoW gods it has taken 4 years for Blizzard Devs to finally listen to the player base.

Hunters now do damage comparable to other classes. People have stopped playing this class now since it is more CC utilization, Burst staging and more kiting. Which has scared away most of the scrubs from this Class.


They have transformed into a very solid class OP not so much annoying? Yes. Resto druids can dish out serious healing but they are easily dispatched if HoTs are Dispelled and people can Interrupt at the right time(s). In terms of FCing they are phenomenal and almost OP. But as soon as stacks start piling up they of course get squishy so Bear FCs > Resto FCs.

I have only seen one good frost mage during the 2 days i have played and it was a F2p. But from what i can tell mages have great mobility (fire), CC (arcane / frost) and can burst. Unfortunately a mage does not have many healing abilities so mages stick to a healer or try not to be reckless or else people may single you out and gun you down.


Priests have lost some abilities but gained DISPEL!!! Which is great and is also dangerous at times (warlock UA). Shadow priests are quiet deadly if used properly (i have gotten a 1k Devour plague crit on a random 20). Healing across the line is OP but again proper CCs and interrupts lead to the demise of a healer. Other than that Disc and Holy priests are solid they have good mana regen (bubble is dispelled or destroyed before it wears off they get 150% of spirit). In my opinion Spirit stacking may be beneficial.


Resto shamans are a bit underpowered compared to the rest due to their main healing ability having a 6 second CD but it is dispel-able. Elemental is a bit more tactical and is more of using everything in your arsenal you may not be bursty but you can catch people off guard and be a great team player with good use of your push off and slows. (Btw INSTANT GHOST WOLF!!)

24 they are just pure burst. Rogues lost sprint so they lost their FCing ability. They lost Shadow step their ToT. But now they have double poison procs (aka deadly poison and crip can proc at same time with 1 swing). Rogues are still very deadly they will be mainly burst in Premades and BGs you may tend either dispatch low health people or 1v1 people you know you can kill quickly. If not you will find your self running out of the person's LoS.

I have not seen many ret paladins but what i can tell is that their damaging attacks may not be properly scaling with resilience.. Other wise the amoutn of damage that a healing class is capable of is very OP and broken. Holy paladins i have gone against have crit 800 on me (i have 47% resil on my priest +15% damage reduction from Shadow form). To top that they have some insane heals and of course Bubble has been given back to them which is very annoying but doesn't mean that they are invincible (for longer than those 8 seconds).

They are very annoying WHICH is GOOD! They have been buffed and are given better ToT which was needed for them. They are able to keep consistent DPS and are not quiet bursty as casters but build up. Other than that it is great to see an under powered class be playable again.

I have not toyed with Demonology but in terms of damage and numbers warlocks can get a pretty good DoT spread although their demons are bit weaker compared to hunter pets. The Voidwalker has a disarm which makes it very useful against melee and warlocks are at the most part in the same place although they are not so under powered so much with the health increase and resilience.\
Interesting thread, going to be redirecting similar threads to this one. :)

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