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  1. Omg blizzard...

    I noticed a problem with this last night when I decided to go on a run at Mauradon on my priest who will be lvl 43 soon. I hope they get this fixed soon as this is getting on my nerves.
  2. handy resource

    I used that site that you linked to research gear for my priest. It's quite useful.
  3. Can 49 Locks Get Dreadsteeds or Purchase Only Mounts

    Yes, you can. I have a lvl 25 warlock with the same name as my main on Laughing Skull and I just got my dreadsteed on her. I had planned to reroll my main who is a warlock on a pvp server; this was before pve to pvp server transfer changes. I thought I should see if it's possible to get mounts...
  4. How Long Does It Take to Farm Rare Items For Twink?

    Ha ha, he was selling them for 16g? I'm keeping both Funeral Prye Vestments and Chan's in the bank because I'm not certain which one would be best for priest. I'm also thinking of dual speccing my priest as both shadow and disc priest. I notice that in the bgs, healing doesn't come...
  5. How Long Does It Take to Farm Rare Items For Twink?

    My lock bought all of BOE (except the robe) stuff for my priest. I simply had my DK farm a mob for the robe in the Hitherlands and my lock farm the AH because she can afford to buy a lot more stuff than my dk. However, I will look in to alternatives in case bop items I want for priest...
  6. How Long Does It Take to Farm Rare Items For Twink?

    It is if you buy that 16k mammoth.. lol.. or if you spend tons of money power leveling your profession. I nearly went broke doing that on my dk when I took up JC. I am just short 6k for that mammoth on this lock but I think my priest's and my pvp enchants comes first. That mammoth will have to...
  7. EU+US Welcome 49s

    I haven't gotten welcomed either. Guess I'll welcome you. :D
  8. How Long Does It Take to Farm Rare Items For Twink?

    Just got eye of flame on my lock. Dropped 400 g on it. I'll be farming stuff for enchants even though I have enough to buy enchants. I just don't want to go broke.
  9. How Long Does It Take to Farm Rare Items For Twink?

    Just got all the BOE items except eye of flame. I farmed hitherlands on my dk and today robes dropped for me when I killed that mob I was farming. I'm currently farming the ah for Eye of Flame on my lock.
  10. EU+US Welcome 49s

    Here's a belated indruction. I'm the player of my lvl 80 undead warlock Sullie on Drenden. I started bging in the bgs at lvl 24 and I was very much a newbie at the time. Still the twinks were helpful in helping me pvp better. For some reason, I had a lot of fun killing other twinks...
  11. How Long Does It Take to Farm Rare Items For Twink?

    Ah. I just bought the staff off the ah. I forsee a lot of dailies and farming in the future to recoup the money cuz my DK just dropped a wad on the staff. Thanks. I'll farm hitherlands for that mob on both dk and lock. While I was farming the staff, the Funeral Prye Vestment dropped for me...
  12. How Long Does It Take to Farm Rare Items For Twink?

    I've wanted to twink my priest (shadow specc'd) for a while and I'm getting serious about it. My priest isn't actually 49 (lvl 33 atm) yet but I've been wanting to melt faces in bgs and I'm told shadow priests are especially good in this bg. Some of the twink items that I want are hard to...