How Long Does It Take to Farm Rare Items For Twink?

I've wanted to twink my priest (shadow specc'd) for a while and I'm getting serious about it. My priest isn't actually 49 (lvl 33 atm) yet but I've been wanting to melt faces in bgs and I'm told shadow priests are especially good in this bg.

Some of the twink items that I want are hard to get such as Eye of Flame, Glowing Brightwood Staff and Chan's Imperial Robes. Right now my DK is parked in Hitherlands so I can farm a rare spawn there for the robes. I've killed it once but it didn't drop the robes. I've been farming BRD and demons in Dark Hole zone for staff. Let's not get started on Eye of Flame. I've not had any luck in getting any of these items.

How long does it take to farm the above?
the only one you can farm are the robes, since that drops only from the mob in hinterlands.

the other two are world drops and you could kill any mob on a drop list/in the lvl range and never see them drop. just do your dailies, save gold, and buy the staff/head piece.
Those are the items I use for my Shadow Spec (Obels, Akama if you want to wowhead it).

Chan's are amazing robes, I would just keep farming it. I had my main there for 5 days and only killed the mob twice. He dropped it the second time(I think the drop rate is around 10%) A targeting macro makes life a lot easier here. Aside from mine, I've only seen one other set on the AH and it went for 1000g on Akama.

As far as the Eye of Flame and GBS go, I believe those are both BoE world epics, and would be much easier to get off the AH than grinding them. Eye of flame is between 250-400g on my server and GBS can be anywhere from 300-500g. Both are fairly common on Akama, and I have two GBS's with different enchants for dual spec atm.

If you are having trouble with Chan's, Funeral Pyre Vestements are a great low cost alternative for shadow spec: 13 stam, int, and spirit.
Falkor said:
the only one you can farm are the robes, since that drops only from the mob in hinterlands.

the other two are world drops and you could kill any mob on a drop list/in the lvl range and never see them drop. just do your dailies, save gold, and buy the staff/head piece.

Ah. I just bought the staff off the ah. I forsee a lot of dailies and farming in the future to recoup the money cuz my DK just dropped a wad on the staff. Thanks. I'll farm hitherlands for that mob on both dk and lock.

While I was farming the staff, the Funeral Prye Vestment dropped for me so I'm storing it in my Priest's bank till the Chan robes drop.
Yeah what he (falkor) said ^^^

Even the robes are a pain to farm. Only like 10% drop on a rare that you would think is always there. I have an "extra" 70 that I have parked there and never see him. I eventually got the robes on the AH....1 for 4g and another for 60g. both a bargain.

Also consider Grimlock's as an alternative chest.. decent stats and some SP to boot.
eye of flame is usually 75-200g and GBS like 200-400g. the robes are rarer but sell no where near 1k..i feel bad for ya on akama!

good luck gathering the gear, spriests can certainly melt faces solo and are deadly with some support.

edit: those were kargath prices not wowhead or anything. again gl!
Falkor said:
eye of flame is usually 75-200g and GBS like 200-400g. the robes are rarer but sell no where near 1k..i feel bad for ya on akama!

good luck gathering the gear, spriests can certainly melt faces solo and are deadly with some support.

edit: those were kargath prices not wowhead or anything. again gl!

Just got all the BOE items except eye of flame. I farmed hitherlands on my dk and today robes dropped for me when I killed that mob I was farming. I'm currently farming the ah for Eye of Flame on my lock.
Sry couldnt add the link in before. I use [ITEM]10762[/ITEM] and [ITEM]11750[/ITEM] for shadow.
Just got eye of flame on my lock. Dropped 400 g on it. I'll be farming stuff for enchants even though I have enough to buy enchants. I just don't want to go broke.
if you have a lvl 80 its not even possible to go broke. do quests (when i hit 80 i still had 4 untouched zones to do..) do dailies, do instances/raids (as long as you dont die a lot raiding - and old school raids - can be quite profitable.
Falkor said:
if you have a lvl 80 its not even possible to go broke. do quests (when i hit 80 i still had 4 untouched zones to do..) do dailies, do instances/raids (as long as you dont die a lot raiding - and old school raids - can be quite profitable.

It is if you buy that 16k mammoth.. lol.. or if you spend tons of money power leveling your profession. I nearly went broke doing that on my dk when I took up JC. I am just short 6k for that mammoth on this lock but I think my priest's and my pvp enchants comes first. That mammoth will have to wait. Even if I bought the mammoth, I won't stay broke for long though.
exactly...i mean you can go broke but not for long as long as ur not lazy hah

oh btw, wait for 3.2 and get that mammoth for ur new twink imo!
sullierose said:
I've wanted to twink my priest (shadow specc'd) for a while and I'm getting serious about it. My priest isn't actually 49 (lvl 33 atm) yet but I've been wanting to melt faces in bgs and I'm told shadow priests are especially good in this bg.

Some of the twink items that I want are hard to get such as Eye of Flame, Glowing Brightwood Staff and Chan's Imperial Robes. Right now my DK is parked in Hitherlands so I can farm a rare spawn there for the robes. I've killed it once but it didn't drop the robes. I've been farming BRD and demons in Dark Hole zone for staff. Let's not get started on Eye of Flame. I've not had any luck in getting any of these items.

How long does it take to farm the above?

As others have mentioned, some of those things can take some time to aquire and more often than not majority of us obtained those items through the AH including Chans Robes which you are farming for in Hinterlands.

As others may have suggested if you have high level toon or an 80 it would be easier to grind gold through dailies or farming (herbalism, mining etc) and frequently checking the AH for these items and buying them.

Majority of the epic BOE items are random world drops so they could drop off any mob at any time in any zone so for those items such as Eye of Flame and Staff of Jordon, save your gold and buy them.

As for Chan's robes I would do the same but if you do want to farm for it... its always easiest to have a toon logged out on the top level of the tower in Hinterlands and a target macro for the mob.

My honest suggestion like others have said and will say, take your DK and run dailies and start farming gold.

There is plenty of viable alternatives that will still keep you competitive till you obtain these items... such as Kindling Staff from BRD or you could farm Badges and obtain the Heirloom items... and as of 3.2 there will be a new Heirloom chest you could concider getting.

So there is plenty of options for you... it will take some time, and till then just grab your self some alternatives.

If you want to find out some variety of gear. Goto.....


It will list some alternatives till you can obtain the best in slot items.

Good luck... it will be worth the effort!! :D
Krymore said:
As others have mentioned, some of those things can take some time to aquire and more often than not majority of us obtained those items through the AH including Chans Robes which you are farming for in Hinterlands.

As others may have suggested if you have high level toon or an 80 it would be easier to grind gold through dailies or farming (herbalism, mining etc) and frequently checking the AH for these items and buying them.

Majority of the epic BOE items are random world drops so they could drop off any mob at any time in any zone so for those items such as Eye of Flame and Staff of Jordon, save your gold and buy them.

As for Chan's robes I would do the same but if you do want to farm for it... its always easiest to have a toon logged out on the top level of the tower in Hinterlands and a target macro for the mob.

My honest suggestion like others have said and will say, take your DK and run dailies and start farming gold.

There is plenty of viable alternatives that will still keep you competitive till you obtain these items... such as Kindling Staff from BRD or you could farm Badges and obtain the Heirloom items... and as of 3.2 there will be a new Heirloom chest you could concider getting.

So there is plenty of options for you... it will take some time, and till then just grab your self some alternatives.

If you want to find out some variety of gear. Goto.....


It will list some alternatives till you can obtain the best in slot items.

Good luck... it will be worth the effort!! :D

My lock bought all of BOE (except the robe) stuff for my priest. I simply had my DK farm a mob for the robe in the Hitherlands and my lock farm the AH because she can afford to buy a lot more stuff than my dk.

However, I will look in to alternatives in case bop items I want for priest doesn't drop before I hit lvl 49. Thanks for the link.
Funeral Pyre Vestments and Grimlok's are both great SP 49 pieces. I'm not sure Chan's is ideal for a 49 shadow priest but I have a set in the bank I got for 16g just in case. I certainly don't think they're as good as the best 39 piece, Death's Head Vestments.

Since the OP was lucky enough to farm them GRATS! They are without a doubt one of the single hardest twink items to farm. The guy, last I read, has a 48-72 hour respawn depending on the last time he was killed. Of course, you have no way of knowing when he was killed.

I tried farming a set to sell for like 1,000g but after a month of checking 10 times a day I gave it up. Sure enough the day I did some idiot puts them on the AH for the aforementioned 16g.
Eveill said:
Funeral Pyre Vestments and Grimlok's are both great SP 49 pieces. I'm not sure Chan's is ideal for a 49 shadow priest but I have a set in the bank I got for 16g just in case. I certainly don't think they're as good as the best 39 piece, Death's Head Vestments.

Since the OP was lucky enough to farm them GRATS! They are without a doubt one of the single hardest twink items to farm. The guy, last I read, has a 48-72 hour respawn depending on the last time he was killed. Of course, you have no way of knowing when he was killed.

I tried farming a set to sell for like 1,000g but after a month of checking 10 times a day I gave it up. Sure enough the day I did some idiot puts them on the AH for the aforementioned 16g.

Ha ha, he was selling them for 16g?

I'm keeping both Funeral Prye Vestments and Chan's in the bank because I'm not certain which one would be best for priest. I'm also thinking of dual speccing my priest as both shadow and disc priest. I notice that in the bgs, healing doesn't come naturally to me and that I'm more likely to try to kill someone than to heal. However, I can see a need for healers on a team which is why I'm considering dual speccing. Lately, I've been checking our team makeup to see if I'll be healing or pvping on priest. She is currently lvl 37.
Well for a SP the only reason I can justify using them over FPV or Grimlok's is for a stam stacking set. General consensus is that they're best suited for a warlock since there's no spell power or spirit. It's almost a life tap's worth of stam vs. Grimlok's Tribal.

You can never go wrong stacking stats like this on a twink priest. Really though if you can get 500-1,000g for them I'd just sell them and use the FPV with +6 stats. I wouldn't sweat 7 sta.

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