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  1. ¨°º¤ø„¸ <Epic>(H) Looking For Premades ¸„ø¤º°¨

    Good luck to both teams! Too bad I will be away that weekend Hopefully I can get in on the next one!
  2. Satchel Of Exotic Mysteries

    Rocket has already been done
  3. #1 24 Twink Classes?

    If you want to talk pure stats: My pally has a 96% win ratio - 692 wins out of 721 BG's This is thanks to great teammates like Dõmâss, Myahh, Lithogen,BB,Zola, Epic,Slashpunt,Epictoilet, Infaemous, Onyx, Mandler, and Whyzu. No one person can do it all without good support and a solid team...
  4. Favorite 24 memory

    Killing Kale before he AFK's
  5. 24 list (US)

    Here are mine Bullshmït Officer 24 pally: Bullshmit - feral druid: