Search results

  1. Rate my Druid (Unfinished)

    Rage @ Malorne - Game - World of Warcraft Just started working on this Druid i quit WoW for ahile trying to finish im 8/12 for my AGM and i've been working on getting the Fishing Hat.
  2. <Twink Info> GUILD Recruiting!

    This has already happend and it disbanded i don't think anyone will want to try this again.
  3. Something i have to say.

    I know this might be the wrong forum but i don't know where to get ahold of everyone, I just need to say thanks for a few people from WoW. Kab thanks for doing everything for me i know i haven't been on in awhile im trying to get back hopfully see you soon :). MED special thanks for all the gear...
  4. Another twink...

    BLue, Awol has a horde guild i told you, I'm hoping that you got invited into it.
  5. Best 19 FC

    Marcey and Sluggish(I know they both don't play 19's anymore) But still better than the ones above. IMO
  6. Enchants change!

    It has never had a level Req
  7. Cata Item Changes, etc.

    Spidersilk boots are 7 in 8 stam i think.
  8. 19 Priest Chardev

    Thank you!
  9. 19 Priest Chardev

    How do you make glove of the Eagle or a Belt of Stamina? on Chardev of course
  10. Farming

    What is the best instance to farm for 10-19 Greens?:)
  11. WTB Grunts Shield

    I would like to by a Grunts shield of blocking Zul'jin Ally side US. PM on here or on my Warrior 19 Pootaang
  12. guild boas removed?

    I didn't hear about these, Could someone fill me in.
  13. Time Card

    US, And Thank you Rayu I didn't notice witch one i was posting in until it was already moved.
  14. Time Card

    Anyone want to buy a Time card with gold? My mother bought it for me and we cannot return it and i don't need it anymore so reply below please.
  15. 19 Enhancement Shaman

    I have one myself in the making but i don't have an 80 so i can't get any BoA gear. I will soon though.
  16. SadFace!

  17. SadFace!

    Dude Nice.
  18. SadFace!

    I just looked you up and there is only three people in it. What is your name? This was directed at Sometwink
  19. SadFace!

    Okay. How much can you afford to spend on me.
  20. SadFace!

    OMFG!!! WOOOO, Alright made my guy added you my name is PooTaang im a Warrior.