19 Enhancement Shaman

The World of Warcraft Armory - Shokk @ Aggramar - Profile mine, missing seal of wrynn (getting it soon) and im keeping my eyes open for a pair of falcon wranglers. (ignore the lavishly jeweled ring, i would normally have sylvanus equipped there but was running a dungeon and needed the mana over the stam).

Its incredibly mana intensive, i would recommend at a minimum 1000 mana for any sort of prolonged fight where you cant stop to drink regularly (chasing down an FC for instance). You will be spamming shocks and dropping totems like crazy because people will be kiting you instead of you kiting them. Your heals are slow, but still possible to get them off and with GW and earthbind your probably the least kiteable melee class.

Overall ive found it to be great fun, and you can tell people are surprised when that GW turns into a troll with a giant axe and smacks them about a bit, it really puts them off. And the damage output is surprisingly good.
I have one myself in the making but i don't have an 80 so i can't get any BoA gear. I will soon though.
Looks like people are preparing for Cataclysm eh? :) - Keep it up! Gonna be an interesting development within 19 twinking scenarios.

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