Search results

  1. Necromancer Leggings

    Price check...
  2. Beau is back from double jaw surgery!

    LOL at how ugly you are.
  3. Rogues May Lose Gouge in MOP

    My thoughts Exactly!
  4. Funding Horde Twinks

    This thread seems to have died down, Lets get some more people coming over!
  5. Price Check Shortsword of Vengeance

    Alright thanks guys!
  6. Price Check Shortsword of Vengeance Dropped for me while i was questing.

    Beau shut up and go write a shitty poem about it then.
  8. Greatest game ever

  9. My First Video!

    Looks to me all you did was speed it up and slow it down. Terrible!
  10. Warrior pants

    I know about the Foremans but seen people using the Legionnaire's and thought if they were going to use those that Dividend might be an upgrade.
  11. Warrior pants

    I see some 19 warriors using Legionnaire's Leggings the stats are 145 Armor with 5 Strength and 5 hit rating, But i came across a Pair of leggings i thought would be better they're called Dividend Leggings And the stats are 115Armor 4 Strength 4 Stamina and 4 hit rating...
  12. 80 vs 19s raid BTB/PuG

    congrats guys!
  13. Ice Cream Sammich Bleeding Hollow (H)

    Seeing as how there is so many people going over to Bleeding Hollow for the migration, I've decided to make a guild there. I'm xfering my 19 rogue Wolfhaley there tomorrow that will be Guild leader. The point of ICS is to bring all of horde going to BH together into a guild. I want the guild to...
  14. WTS Woodworking Glovesx2

    I have Two pairs 1 on Zul Jin ally side on Wolfhaley, And 1 on Whisperwind on Omgthrill. Can contact me on those servers or PM me on here.
  15. WTB Shadowfang

    I've already talked to you. And the Gold you expect is to much for me to consider, again good luck finding a buyer.
  16. Shadowfang For Sale

    Wrong Section
  17. Shadowfang For Sale

    How about 50$ You can use that to buy Trading card mounts.
  18. WTB Shadowfang

    I'll pay 50$ for a Shadowfang. PM me here or contact me ingame on Malorne horde side on Bloodeater. Thanks!
  19. Foremans Leggings

    While farming for Foremans Gloves a pair of the leggings dropped anyone looking to buy them? PM on here or in game mail me on Bloodeater Horde side Malorne
  20. Nineteen Twinks vs Laughing Skull Ftw
