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  1. I'm calling a hit...

    lol, thanks man ;D
  2. The Tag Cloud

    I dunno... 1400~ crits must hurt a lot. Charge and auto-attack FTW.
  3. I'm calling a hit...

    According to this website, I'm supposed to treat you like a child's tantrum (How to Deal With Impossible People - wikiHow), so that's what I'm going to do. Falkor, Originally Posted by Audiofreak Ahhh, the American way. I must learn these things if I'm going to play on an American server...
  4. Tranferring my mage and a Shadowfang

    Hahahahaha, Buying gold is so cheap nowadays... I'd equip it.
  5. 1.3speed dagger with icy for mages?

    how'd you do that to your sig!?
  6. WTB 11 fire power legs

    HELL YEAH I GOT SOME! Funny story... So, the lovely Twinkytoes gave me a pair in game. THANKYOU! ...I was so happy I equipped them right away, so I won't be able to get the 40 armor on them, which in turn, will never let them be BiS. FML. It's only 40 armor, so I really...
  7. The Tag Cloud

    Druid would be cool..but even in the hands of a warrior, the swing damage would be much higher than you could hit with SF or anything else. What's the record now- 6 days 21 hours /played to 80? That's 577.25 weeks of fishing hat tournaments in play time...I don't think it's really that far off.
  8. I'm calling a hit...

    What the fuck is your problem, iat? After I admit I am wrong, and take back the things I say, you decide it's a good time of attack? ...and seriously- here we go again with just insults. What did I tell you in-game? If it's constructive criticism, go ahead, but if you're going to post...
  9. I'm calling a hit...

    I didn't bash the country what so ever... Iaccidentallytwink, in his post with all the [x]'s, had "American = [x]" there, and my reply to him was "No, I'm not an America, lol.
  10. WTB 11 fire power legs

    Wowowowowowowowowowowowowwowowhatt!? yesofcourseseeyoutherehehe!
  11. I'm calling a hit...

    ...and Quelfep how did you get that in your signature? Seriously, I'm in need of a signature now... lol.
  12. I'm calling a hit...

    If I think the purpose isn't so gay, then yeah....but to be honest, I do think it's gay. I was more frustrated than anything else when I posted that, so I apologize. Since then my views on BoAs have reversed. Just for shits- I lived in Miami for 3 years, and I have visited 36/50 states, so...
  13. The Tag Cloud

    We're getting somewhere. The way I see it- Players with BoAs look like players with Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat or Bone Fishing Pole, both obtainable- but very time consuming to get. If you created a player who's sole objective was to get that hat or pole, I am sure that the play time (2 hours...
  14. Noobish TI question...

    How can I change my sig? I went to the page that gives the "edit my profile" option, clicked it, and I can edit everything else there, but not my sig.. It's seen as a nazi symbol around here, lol.
  15. WTB 11 fire power legs

    Sure! lol, what's the name?
  16. The Tag Cloud

    Are you literate? I said, again, there are idiots with 80's. I'm not saying you're an idiot nor am I saying that all people with multiple 80's are idiots. - Falkor, well put. Minus the insults and it's a completely viable post. - You do all realize that the point of the...
  17. I'm calling a hit...

    lol, Thirk... I think you're mad, lol....and [x]'s are gay. Point taken guys. I thought I could rely on the what I thought to be good people on TI, but it turns out I can't. Never posting opinions again. Just for the record- My mother is dead. It's still a very touch subject for me, and...
  18. I'm calling a hit...

    lol, you're Thirk from Fishin' Buddies... There's a lovely thread about the elitism that's ruining twinking- go read that. Your name was highlighted in my mind when I read it. Remember your also lovely post that Jutebraid Gloves are 2 armor better, and the Staff of the Blessed Seer is not...
  19. The Tag Cloud

    Thankyou, someone replied about the thread and not my signature. Cheers.
  20. The Tag Cloud

    I'll make it clearer I HAD AN 80 PRIEST