I'm calling a hit...

Twinkzruz said:

basically. you can still play casually and min/max to the fullest...dont have to be a slacker and not get bis
Audiofreak said:
lol, you're Thirk from Fishin' Buddies...

There's a lovely thread about the elitism that's ruining twinking- go read that. Your name was highlighted in my mind when I read it. Remember your also lovely post that Jutebraid Gloves are 2 armor better, and the Staff of the Blessed Seer is not BiS?

I'm not seriously offended by the kid, Whiterhyno. If I was I would take it up with him, but I'm not. My thought was "Oh, an arsehole is being an arsehole", normally I would ignore entirely, but it became clear to me that this arsehole is what is known as a mega-arsehole. Ah-ha! I know what I'll do, I'll get those that I know are good people (i.e. posters on TI that I'm spoken to are generally good people) to spit on him, and that would be it.

It was more of a funny poke at him, rather than an attack. I'm not going to go and steal his drops, or gank him, or fuck his day up in any way- All my plan was was to have a lot of people spit on him for being an arsehole.

Audiofreak said:
lol, you're Thirk from Fishin' Buddies...

There's a lovely thread about the elitism that's ruining twinking- go read that. Your name was highlighted in my mind when I read it. Remember your also lovely post that Jutebraid Gloves are 2 armor better, and the Staff of the Blessed Seer is not BiS?

I'm not seriously offended by the kid, Whiterhyno. If I was I would take it up with him, but I'm not. My thought was "Oh, an arsehole is being an arsehole", normally I would ignore entirely, but it became clear to me that this arsehole is what is known as a mega-arsehole. Ah-ha! I know what I'll do, I'll get those that I know are good people (i.e. posters on TI that I'm spoken to are generally good people) to spit on him, and that would be it.

It was more of a funny poke at him, rather than an attack. I'm not going to go and steal his drops, or gank him, or fuck his day up in any way- All my plan was was to have a lot of people spit on him for being an arsehole.

Reusing the quoters joke to poke fun without an actual basis for it [x]

Calling an elitist and elitist and assuming it's going to make him feel bad or out him as an elitist [x]

Using my advice to poke fun at me [x]

Neglecting BiS [x]

Pretending to not be butthurt [x]

Pretending to not be butthurt but still bitching on the forums asking people to /spit on him [x]

Mad [x]

Naming his title "I'm calling a hit on..." and then later stating that this is not an attack [x]

American [x]

Normally I'd write out a paragraph or two but since Kaos' introduced Anti-Flaming (Troll Edition) 2.0, I've fallen in love.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Reusing the quoters joke to poke fun without an actual basis for it [x]

Calling an elitist and elitist and assuming it's going to make him feel bad or out him as an elitist [x]

Using my advice to poke fun at me [x]

Neglecting BiS [x]

Pretending to not be butthurt [x]

Pretending to not be butthurt but still bitching on the forums asking people to /spit on him [x]

Mad [x]

Naming his title "I'm calling a hit on..." and then later stating that this is not an attack [x]

American [x]

Normally I'd write out a paragraph or two but since Kaos' introduced Anti-Flaming (Troll Edition) 2.0, I've fallen in love.

Uses checkboxes too much [x]
Fuck letters [&]
lol, Thirk...

I think you're mad, lol....and [x]'s are gay.

Point taken guys. I thought I could rely on the what I thought to be good people on TI, but it turns out I can't. Never posting opinions again.

Just for the record- My mother is dead. It's still a very touch subject for me, and out of respect for another human being, please use Dad instead.

...and I'm no American, lol.
Audiofreak said:
Point taken guys. I thought I could rely on the what I thought to be good people on TI, but it turns out I can't. Never posting opinions again.

so trying to recruit random people on a forum for a really, really gay purpose, and them declining/ridiculing you = we're not good people?

Audiofreak said:
Just for the record- My mother is dead. It's still a very touch subject for me, and out of respect for another human being, please use Dad instead.

internet declines. soz for your loss, but it happens.

Audiofreak said:
...and I'm no American, lol.

well then i suggest you stay down under...or if you still insist on belittling Americans once you move to the US prepare to die an early death with no friends. especially in the deep south with all dem good old boys.

@twink...ahhh thats why you stole his sisters money/hacked him. i guess that makes sense then.
Audiofreak said:
Point taken guys. I thought I could rely on the what I thought to be good people on TI, but it turns out I can't.

we are not your personal army.
Falkor said:
so trying to recruit random people on a forum for a really, really gay purpose, and them declining/ridiculing you = we're not good people?

internet declines. soz for your loss, but it happens.

well then i suggest you stay down under...or if you still insist on belittling Americans once you move to the US prepare to die an early death with no friends. especially in the deep south with all dem good old boys.

@twink...ahhh thats why you stole his sisters money/hacked him. i guess that makes sense then.

If I think the purpose isn't so gay, then yeah....but to be honest, I do think it's gay. I was more frustrated than anything else when I posted that, so I apologize. Since then my views on BoAs have reversed.

Just for shits- I lived in Miami for 3 years, and I have visited 36/50 states, so I think I know America more than a complete foreigner.
...and Quelfep how did you get that in your signature? Seriously, I'm in need of a signature now... lol.
Audiofreak said:
If I think the purpose isn't so gay, then yeah....but to be honest, I do think it's gay. I was more frustrated than anything else when I posted that, so I apologize. Since then my views on BoAs have reversed.

Just for shits- I lived in Miami for 3 years, and I have visited 36/50 states, so I think I know America more than a complete foreigner.

1. even if the purpose isnt gay "we aren't your personal army"...so yea keep that in mind.

2. doesnt matter if you've visited. ive traveled all over the world, doesnt matter, you still dont bash the country you are visiting/moving too if you value life. especially not with all the rednecks and hillbillies where you're going. and watch our for nigras.
Audiofreak said:
lol, Thirk...

I think you're mad, lol....and [x]'s are gay.

Sorry, no.

Audiofreak said:
Point taken guys. I thought I could rely on the what I thought to be good people on TI, but it turns out I can't. Never posting opinions again.

Your tears were so heavy they punctured my care cup.

Audiofreak said:
Just for the record- My mother is dead. It's still a very touch subject for me, and out of respect for another human being, please use Dad instead.

Cool Story Bro.

We should totally get touchy about valuing dead people more than alive people, especially since people that are still living are so much more use to us.

On top of that we should definitely get upset when a random internet stranger makes fun of someone's family.

Also lol @ the idiot still using his mother as a point of attack. Welcome to 1st grade brah.

Audiofreak said:
...and I'm no American, lol.

Grats. Too bad it doesn't void your thread.
Twinkzruz said:
Yeah well the guy who murdered my dog is on one of these assholes signatures.

Bro we want the story.

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