Search results

  1. [A] Accidenlols RBG team LF players (Posting on Accidentlol's behalf)

    Re: [A] Accidenlols RBG team LF players Can we get some more info like are you Horde or Ally, Us or EU etc.
  2. Back Up and Operational!

    So this can show me the top rated 70s teams?
  3. Forming a new guild on Stormscale EU

    So many of them already but I would like a fresh start on a realm. I'd roll a mage. Can't play WoW too much until the summer but Pm me if you wanna discuss anything. I'd be happy to roll the mage since your being so kind and offering to help gear people.
  4. Rate my twink - LF A TWINK GUILD!

    Only stack stam to get your meta gems. In a 1v1 against my Dk I'd ruin you because I take less damage and hit like a truck. Stacking str and resil + meta gems is the way to go.
  5. boomkin for feral for pvp dps?

    which class is harder to play: Boomkin which class does more damage: which class has more survivability: which class is overall better for pvp: (plz specifiy what kind of pvp) any added info u wana input:
  6. Thinking about 70?

    Feral is nasty. Balance really annoys people more than do damage IMO
  7. Thinking about 70?

    They are not in a bad place, they are just not the best. If your good at warr, play it. But in MoP they are being buffed liked hell.
  8. Thinking about 70?

    Personally I just prefer a Priest but Pally is basically as good. Resto and Ele are alright and Ele has a slight edge over Resto IMO. All 4 are decent though. And for ranged DPS id go hunter or as a second choice, Id go priest and then use the OS for heals. Balance Druid are weak IMO
  9. Thinking about 70?

    1) Its good. Fast ques for Bgs and arenas. Not to sure what you mean by events though. 2) This community is good, even if they get "trolly" at times. 3) Check the guild topic. 4) "Good" classes are Blood DK, Rogues, hunters, mages and pallies IMO 5) Warriors are meh. Resto Im not to sure about...
  10. Prot Cleave - Blood PoV

    Yeah thats what annoys me. People yell for Blood Dks to be nerfed in damage but frost mages just run around spamming ice lance for equal if not more DPS. Yeah, some healing nerfing might not be bad, but grrr. Annoying.
  11. Need 3v3 team ideas

    Ah misunderstood. Sorry. If you wanted a frost Dk, throw a sub rogue or a spriest in there and go holy. The frost DK would want to have glaive mainhand and the better offhand PvP mace. Go look at the BiS PvP frost spec. I have found that frost is a little more reliable than UH at 70 but I might...
  12. Need 3v3 team ideas

    Hitler or Stalin Cleave would both be fine..... Stalin is duel Frost Dk +H Paly.... But Hitler cleave is 2 UH DK + H Paly. Hitler would be for constant DoTs and Stalin for some DoTs and some good burst right away.
  13. thinking of lvl!!

    Oh lol never mind. I read it again.... ignore me xD
  14. thinking of lvl!!

    I think he meant that he wants to make a 70 toon.... If thats what you meant, rogues can be really good. If you gem and chant right you can be unstopable.
  15. Ním 70 Hunter PvP Video

    Wow I must say that it was actually a fun video to watch unlike half the garbage out there. Gratz man
  16. More Active?

    Which slot is more active? 60, 64 or 69?
  17. Which Plate Class?

    Us frost mages can kite anyone very easily (xcept pallies) :) U need a better example cuz frost mages piss everyone off.
  18. Mage Armory Link

    Lol thanks. I got the info I need. But another serious question. Would getting the BiS gear like the tempest things be worth farming for? or is the brutal glad stuff good enough to have a good arena team?
  19. Mage Armory Link

    Thanks a lot. EDIT: I searched each one of them in the armory but none of them came up with results. Also if you meant to give links, they didnt work.
  20. Mage Armory Link

    Can i please have a frost mages armory link so I can see what weapons and non PvP gear I should be using (if any).