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  1. Wuvz considering a return!

    Ok noted Bone, I wasnt sure on the race, I thought they changed the Draenei racial so I wasnt sure if it was still good. Also I thought they screwed up lifeblood and took the heal away right when i left, no? Also, no prot, me no Flag Carrying...but you know me...I will get frustrated that...
  2. 4.1 Paladin Guide

    Gracob, dont worry about those bagging on you, at least your trying. I am making a ret tomorrow night as I return to Twinking, here is the link if you can fix it. Ally, no boas, please fix if you can, ty. chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm
  3. Wuvz considering a return!

    Drayner you should come roll a new one with me in BR tomorrow night, sounds like Bone and a couple others are over there. Hi Pizza, sir can you please fix this for me? chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm I dont know about all the new items yet, dont have boa's yet, and I recall you are pretty good...
  4. Wuvz considering a return!

    Mikey! Need a game card shmexy? Comon roll a toon with me for old times sake? /Pweez? Uknowdeepdownuwannnnnnnna!
  5. Wuvz considering a return!

    Hi to Crusade, Ijust, Drayner! Glad to here that Dave still plays, I cant find his armory so I dont know who he is playing for. Drayner, I am likely going to start my toon tomorrow night as I have a meeting tonight, do you want to roll a new 19 with me? I am starting completely from scratch...
  6. Wuvz considering a return!

    Ok, so Ret Pally sounds like the best option, I will go with that guys. Bone, please fix this, its a rough draft: chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm I am sure there are items I dont know about yet that may need to be traded in there. Talk to you all tonight. :)
  7. Wuvz considering a return!

    Hi Bone! Hm so to many hunters I sense huh? Ok lol I will go for one of the other two then. Thanks for the offer Kayooh to join BR, if you or Bone can PM me the vent I will try to hop on tonight to talk with you guys. Does the guild need an Arms Warrior or a Ret Pally more? I dont know whats...
  8. Wuvz considering a return!

    Well hello there my Twinky's! Wuvz here...Ooo how I have missed you all. I am considering coming back to WoW and 19s, and wanted to come see what was good. I would have to totally start over, with a new account. I am not to up on all the changes, but I have read the TI threads so I...