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  1. Level 1 BiS Item Compilation

    For mail wearer's the Haliscan/Tuxedo legs are not BiS. Because you can put the +40 armor patch on the mail vendor legs.
  2. Leg Enchant question

    Confirmed. I just put the +40 armor on the mail vendor legs. So, the mail vendor legs are BiS for mail users.
  3. Leg Enchant question

    I heard there are 2 options at lvl 1 the +40 armor or the +16 armor? Can the 40 armor only be given on the tuxedo/haliscan legs? Or can they go on the vendor legs also? Because if only the 16 armor can go on the mail vendor legs, then wouldn't tuxedo/haliscan be BiS for all armor types...
  4. Level 1 BiS Item Compilation

    Counterweight stones can only go on non-staff 2 handers. Inuuro's Blade is not a twink item. The instance has a req of lvl 70, and the only mobs that give rep are inside.
  5. Level 1 BiS Item Compilation

    Are the Haliscan Pantaloons better than the mail vendor legs, for mail wearers? I thought the mail vendor legs have more armor, or does a better leg enchant work on the Haliscan legs?
  6. 19 Warrior BoAs Chest v Chest Bow v Gun

    What about the plate shoulders? Are those still better than the leather hit ones. Basically it looks like the leather chest and bow will get you hit capped. While the Gun has more crit, but less Ap. The Plate chest has more ap, and armor, but no hit and less stamina. So I...
  7. 19 Warrior BoAs Chest v Chest Bow v Gun

    Which of the BoA's is better for a warrior twink? The leather hit chest or the plate chest. The bow or the gun? The stats are not too different, but I can't decide which are the BiS? Also maybe even the BoA Hit-leather shoulder could be used instead of the plate shoulder?
  8. Why didn't all the twink brackets transfer to the same BG?

    Maybe blizz should designate a "twink" Battlegroup, and then give out free transfers for twinks. That way queues will be fast all the time. Throw in some rated arena's and battlegrounds while they are at it.
  9. Why didn't all the twink brackets transfer to the same BG?

    Instead, they apparently went to completely different battle groups. Why the segregation. (Some twinks have twinks in multiple brackets.) 19- Ruin 29- Reckoning 39- Nightfall ect.... (This is just what I heard). I think that all the twinks in all the brackets should...
  10. LVL 10 shammy twink

    Which is the "best" class to twink at lvl 10 between all classes? hunter, warrior, pally, rogue, (and it seems in 3.3 druids or shamans may be best as well).
  11. Level 10 Shaman and Warrior Twinks

    Which is better at lvl 10 warrior or shaman for twinking?
  12. Best class for a lvl 10 twink?

    I heard its hunter, but I have also heard that, druid shaman rogue warrior paladin Could also work? But which one is the best? Also is there any lvl 10 twink guides out there?
  13. Experience from exploration QQ

    How much levels if any would you gain from exploring all the places you need for a lvl 19 twink: Dungeons: WC, VM, RChasm, Deeps Quests locations: stv, westfall, bloodmyst, ashenvale, lock modan, couple others ect.... Other: StV, all major cities, dalaran/shatt Do twinks...
  14. New melee haste rating changes for shamans, druids, and paladins Classes: General * Armor Penetration Rating: All classes now receive 25% more benefit from Armor Penetration Rating. * Haste Rating: Shamans, Paladins, Druids, and Death Knights now receive 30% more melee haste from Haste Rating. * Taunts...
  15. PTR roundup.

    Does any one know about other enchants and blacksmith item enhancements? I have heard 100 health to chest does not work, will this lead to fiery weapon enchant having a lvl requirement, also iron counterweight, felsteel shield spikes, maybe even librams? What is going to end up not working...
  16. 1-19 caster leveling gear.

    Are spellpower classes/specs faster at leveling with this kind of set, or would a melee class be faster with a ap set for leveling? Ex: If your druid was wearing a ap set instead of sp- which would be faster for leveling?
  17. 19 Warrior Guide

    Does stacking the haste enchants make a big difference in arena? It seems that attacking faster is not as important as having bigger attacks? Though it might help your rage regeneration. Having 46 haste rating gives about 20% haste at lvl 19 which might be better? Same with maxing hit...
  18. Level 14 Twink - Guide

    For arena in the 15-19 bracket would a level 15 be competitive because of the better haste/crit ratios? Also does any one know the formulas/ratios for low level conversion rates for stats such as haste? Like how much haste% does 1 haste give at lvl 10, 14, 15, and 19? ect...
  19. Time to delete warrior! :(

    Wait does the shadowmeld/charge combo not work any more? So will this make gnome the best warrior race?
  20. When are they going to add rated twink arena's?

    It would be awesome. Maybe even rated battlegrounds.