Level 1 BiS Item Compilation

I wounder what [item]Sharpened Scarlet Kris[/item] x2 with weight stones and [item]Swift Hand of Justice[/item] x2 would be like

...or just cheat and get [item]Inuuro's Blade[/item] x2 with zerkings (tho the rep grind would be worse than grinding to 100,000 hks without help I would assume)
Counterweight stones can only go on non-staff 2 handers.

Inuuro's Blade is not a twink item. The instance has a req of lvl 70, and the only mobs that give rep are inside.
like your idea here in the post...but it needs some work.

1) suggest you put those all into chardev links for easier viewing

2) if you list 3 options then it's not a BiS list

3) research some of the other BiS links in this forum for advice

4) pally can serve as heals or heal tank ... so they have 2 gear options ... warriors do too

5) pvp gear a lil different than pve gear

6) if you include some heirlooms...you gotta include all

7) prolly should have 2 lists - 1 heirloom 1 non

all in all though, again great idea and thanks for the work on this.
fables429 said:
Inuuro's Blade is not a twink item. The instance has a req of lvl 70, and the only mobs that give rep are inside.

No there is a way to get rep from outside without doing quests (think it's in the 29 or 19 forums, I forgot) as another twink has discovered.

He isn't letting the word out on HOW to do it and isn't using his hugly OP blades that much but I'm guessing you get behind the invi wall to where Brut is and kill him over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

You know, after a bit over doesn't look like a real word.

edit - http://twinkinfo.com/forums/10-19-bracket/7374-level-70-swords-your-twink.html
For mail wearer's the Haliscan/Tuxedo legs are not BiS. Because you can put the +40 armor patch on the mail vendor legs.
Panzerfaust said:
Question: Why do rogues (as a lvl 1 twink) need: Voice Amplification Modulator?

Ok, it's nice to have but rogues can't be silenced or interrupted or am I missing something?

It's just because it's green.
and of course its the only neck that actually does something, jsut for casters. But at least it gives you the impression that its more useful than other necks:p
lol :p

Ok Boglund, i will take a look at Dunemaul tomorrow, atm. i'm thinking about a Warr, pala or Hunter :)

Also, won't i be very low geared compared to you other guys that have acces to BoA gear? wich i don't beacuse i'm going to reroll.
Healers especially are pretty much the same with or without BoAs. DPS is though. But still viable. But I have yet to see a BoA warrior in my guild. Well we got em, but I've yet to see one with BoA 2h with Crusader and another BoA with 25agi/20 haste to use when the procc is up.
I wonder why you haven't added all the missing items yet.

i am creating a level 1 twink Warrior...

right now weapon wise i have...

Reforged Truesilver Champion

Binds to account

Two-Hand Sword

23 - 34 Damage Speed 3.60

(8 damage per second)

+2 Strength

+1 Stamina

Requires level 1 to 80 (1)

Equip: Improves resilience rating by 1 (1.04%). <-- resillience isn't 1% for 1 point, its now like 0.08%

i'm wondedering which wepaon would be best for me, i like how the reforged gives me twice the strenght, but at the same time, its ridiculous how crit works at low level, so i'm not sure... not to mention that 15 resist to fire seems good as well.

so do i keep the reforged or do i go with 1 of the other 2 ?

Bloodied Arcanite Reaper

Binds to account

Two-Hand Axe

24 - 36 Damage Speed 3.80

(8 damage per second)

+1 Strength

+2 Stamina

Requires level 1 to 80 (1)

Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 1 (1.86%).


Repurposed Lava Dredger

Binds to account

Two-Hand Mace

18 - 27 Damage Speed 2.90

(8 damage per second)

+1 Agility

+2 Stamina

+15 Fire Resistance

Requires level 1 to 80 (1)

Equip: Increases attack power by 2.

Equip: Improves armor penetration rating by 1 (6.93%).


just a question, is armor type worth the change ?

i mean usually the armor type was to support the type of wepaon used against you !


Cloth protects against nothing

Leather protects against slashing weapons (Swords, Daggers)

Mail protects against piericing weapons and slashing weapons (Swords, Daggers, Arrows and Bullets)

Plate Protects against everything

i dont know why, it seems like my cloth jackets absorb much less then my mail BoA which has not much difference in armor. is it possible that armor type actually plays a role in that ? i know some games that actually did that. so i wonder if blizz has done anything with it.

EDIT: The plate to Mail Warrior Chest has 85 armor, which twice the number of the haliscan jacket. might be more damage reduction then i orgiinally thought.
I would roll BAR and dredger. 2,6% reduced armor, guess thats quite a lot especially when fighting Luzran for example which has a lot of armor. I would get BAR with crusader at least and switch to dredger for example with 25agi for example. I haven't tested this so I don't know if its the most viable option. Or switch to a BAR with 20 haste on.
Is the first post going to get updated/maintained? If so it might be worth stickying. If not, maybe someone else wants to start a new one?

This seems like a useful list but it needs some work.
Ok so Boglund, you say i should role a healer over a Dps?

If so wich healing class would be best, Priest, Pala, Druid or even Shammy?

And btw. Boglund when can i catch you online ingame?

Just some quick work on Chardev, but please comment still.

I guess I'll be able to log on tomorrow evening and between 15.30-17.30 on monday. AFter that you'll never see me online:p

EDIT: 7 stam on shield as a healer? Dude you got no mp5 at all. Get some mp5, with Bøgadin I usually used mp5 on shield and chest and sometimes on bracers as well. Get spirit on boots also.

A healer is more useful without boas than a dps without boas. However we got quite a lot of dps so.

After 330 mana is burned, switch to 30 SP. When OOM, switch to 20 spirit:p.

Oh and btw, imo you have to choose between pala and shaman. Both got shield which means more mp5. Holy Light is the slowest but the heal which heals the most.

Best cloak enchant is 2% reduced threat.

Remember. When healing there is no need to get enchants which protects you, meaning armor, stam etc. Just leave it. Mp5 and int stack that. And get more sets. I got 15 sp, 7 int and mp5 on bracers. 16 sp and 10 haste on gloves etc. You get my point. I dont have 2% reduced threat on my cloak though, and neither do I have 5 spirit as I completly forgot about it.
Ok thanks, but are you quiting lvl 1 twinking??

EDIT: This is me in the future...i hope :p


+ some other sets, 6+ stats on chest, 9 Int and 7 Spi on Bracer, 30 SP on Wep, 7 Spi on shield, 10+ Haste on gloves.

Btw. on Chardev, it says that 7 Spirit give 1 more Mana Regen than Vitality on shield. But Ofc Vitality gives 4 more HP reg, but still, shouldn't i get 7+ spirit instead?

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